Swear words jump around

wildly in a steaming cloud --

of squabbling voices.

Krachtermen springenSchimpfwörter springen
wild rond in een grote wolk --umher, in einer Wolke --
van bekvechterij.streitender Stimmen.

Gedicht S2102
Amsterdam, 2024-01-21
Limoges. The Market (The Great News) (Modest Mussorgski) - 1874
Composition "Pictures at an Exhibition", in an arrangement (2023) by Marc Kaptijn performed in the Organpark by the Amsterdam Wind Quintet and Maarten van der Bijl (organ) on January 21st, 2024
Collection: org ANP ark 
Keyword: Quarrel 
Composer: Mussorgski, Modest 

The chicks are dancing

around drolly in their shells --

their thick diapers.

De kuikens dansenDie Küken tanzen
koddig rondjes in hun dop --ulkig in ihren Schalen --
hun dikke luier.in ihren Windeln.

Gedicht H4454
Amsterdam, 2024-01-21
Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks (Modest Mussorgski) - 1874
Composition "Pictures at an Exhibition", in an arrangement (2023) by Marc Kaptijn performed in the Organpark by the Amsterdam Wind Quintet and Maarten van der Bijl (organ) on January 21st, 2024
Collection: org ANP ark 
Keyword: Self-expression (nature) 
Composer: Mussorgski, Modest 

There, dancing sisters

of Calimero, yet big --

is their loud cackling.

Dansende zusjesTanzende Schwestern
van Calimero, maar groot --von Calimero: wie groß --
is hun gekakel.ist ihr Gegacker.

Gedicht H4453
Amsterdam, 2024-01-21
Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks (Modest Mussorgski) - 1874
Composition "Pictures at an Exhibition", in an arrangement (2023) by Marc Kaptijn performed in the Organpark by the Amsterdam Wind Quintet and Maarten van der Bijl (organ) on January 21st, 2024 - Toni Pagot drew Calimero in 1963 ("They are big and I is small")
Collection: org ANP ark 
Keyword: Self-expression (nature) 
Composer: Mussorgski, Modest 

The oxen: marching,

heavily armoured they are --

stomping on like knights.

De ossen rukkenDie Ochsen rücken
op, zwaar geharnast stampen --auf, gepanzert stampfen sie --
ze als ridders voort.wie Ritter vorwärts.

Gedicht H4452
Amsterdam, 2024-01-21
Cattle / The Oxcart (Modest Mussorgski) - 1874
Composition "Pictures at an Exhibition", in an arrangement (2023) by Marc Kaptijn performed in the Organpark by the Amsterdam Wind Quintet and Maarten van der Bijl (organ) on January 21st, 2024
Collection: org ANP ark 
Keyword: Animals: cow / bull / bison / ox 
Composer: Mussorgski, Modest 

The minstrel renders

the castle so vividly --

It stands before me.

De minstreel bezingtDer Barde besingt
het kasteel zo levendig --das Schloss so lebhaft und fein --
dat het voor mij staat.das es vor mir steht.

Gedicht H4451
Amsterdam, 2024-01-21
The Old Castle (Modest Mussorgski) - 1874
Composition "Pictures at an Exhibition", in an arrangement (2023) by Marc Kaptijn performed in the Organpark by the Amsterdam Wind Quintet and Maarten van der Bijl (organ) on January 21st, 2024
Collection: org ANP ark 
Keyword: Music: song 
Composer: Mussorgski, Modest 

The gnome leans over,

with a wide open muzzle --

he's limping on stilts.

De kabouter heltDer Gnom hängt furchtbar
voorover, met open muil --über, mit offenem Maul --
hinkt hij op stelten.hinkt er auf Stelzen.

Gedicht H4450
Amsterdam, 2024-01-21
The Gnome (Modest Mussorgski) - 1874
Composition "Pictures at an Exhibition", in an arrangement (2023) by Marc Kaptijn performed in the Organpark by the Amsterdam Wind Quintet and Maarten van der Bijl (organ) on January 21st, 2024
Collection: org ANP ark 
Keywords: People: fellow man, Technics 
Composer: Mussorgski, Modest 

Mussorgski, Modest
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