While the builder builds

in the piano workshop --

the tuner's tuning.

Terwijl de bouwerWährend der Bauer
in de pianowerkplaats --in der Klavierwerkstatt baut --
bouwt, stemt de stemmer.stimmt der Abstimmer.

Gedicht H4484
Amsterdam, 2024-02-03
Degrees of Transparency (Gabriel Paluk) - 2024
Composition for piano and soundtrack on seven loudspeakers, performed in the Organpark on February 3rd, 2024, by Gabriel Paluk
Collection: org ANP ark 
Keyword: Together: labour / work / office 
Composer: Paluk, Gabriel 

Pulling slowly, I

sing my sensitive skin out --

of the sticky shade.

Voorzichtig trekkendVorsichtig ziehe
zing ik mijn tere huid los --ich meine zarte Haut los --
uit de kleefschaduw.aus dem Klebschatten.

Gedicht H4483
Amsterdam, 2024-02-03
Degrees of Transparency (Gabriel Paluk) - 2024
Composition for piano and soundtrack on seven loudspeakers, performed in the Organpark on February 3rd, 2024, by Gabriel Paluk
Collection: org ANP ark 
Keyword: Freedom: liberation 
Composer: Paluk, Gabriel 

Paluk, Gabriel
Attention is like sunshineReverse the order: oldest on top
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