Zywa Sleeper dyke

Sleeper dyke, sheep dyke
on the flats, not much happens

Gray on gray the slow breath
of night and day, shreds

of heartbeatless noise and waves
of screaming seagulls, silver-

glare on the sea
the slime trail of a snail

Nowhere blood, just some feathers
shells of past life

and silent sighs from the universe
Without a dyke I would disappear

to nowhere, oh how I ache
for you

Gedicht 1211
Amsterdam, 2017-03-13
Variations II (John Cage)
Fields have ears nr. 1 (Michael Pisaro)

"Variations II" (1961, John Cage)
"Fields have ears" nr. 1 (2010, Michael Pisaro)

Collection: ORG anp ark 
Keyword: Void / Emptiness 
Composers: Cage, John; Pisaro, Michael 

Pisaro, Michael
Attention is like sunshineReverse the order: oldest on top
Mention © Zywa when using texts,
drawings, designs, paintings and photos
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