Zywa Meanwhile something else

Answer to the fromquestion
What was first
chicken or egg?
The fried egg chicken

Proudly she stands
on unyielding legs
in her broken egg

Answer to the toquestion
What will be last?
God's son
spreads his arms

he jumps from the cross
as the winner: the fried egg man!

everything will be fine
people, wait patiently
we’ve got time

two thousand years
are already over, and meanwhile
we do something else

Gedicht 1704
Amsterdam, 2018-03-18
Stations of the cross (Kamagurka) - 2012
Kruiswegstatiën ("Stations of the cross", 2012, Kamagurka) with "Via Crucis" (2000/2014) by Gilius van Bergeijk
Collection: ORG anp ark 
Keyword: Waiting 
Tribute to: Kamagurka 
Composer: Van Bergeijk, Gilius 

The repetitions,

put together with a smile --

sound virtuoso.

De herhalingen,Wiederholungen,
lachend op een rij gezet --lächelnd zusammengefügt --
klinken virtuoos.ganz schön virtuos.

Gedicht H3723
Amsterdam, 2023-02-11
BAC - IV (Gilius van Bergeijk) - 1970
Composition for barrel organ, performed by the Busy Drone in the Organpark on February 11th, 2023
BWV 1060 (from 1730): the echoes that the oboe plays after the violin passages, put together into an separate part of the composition

Collection: org ANP ark 
Keyword: Playing: fun 
Composers: Van Bergeijk, Gilius; Bach, Johann Seb. 

Arms and legs

are making hop-step-cartwheels --

totally rampant.

Armen en benenArme und Beine
maken hinkstap-radslagen --machen Dreisprung-Radschläge --
door het dolle heen.ganz übermütig.

Gedicht H3720
Amsterdam, 2023-02-11
BAC - III (Gilius van Bergeijk) - 1970
Composition for barrel organ, performed by the Busy Drone in the Organpark on February 11th, 2023
The second allegro of BWV 1060 (from 1730) arranged for barrel organ, omitting the echoes played by the oboe after the violin passages

Collection: org ANP ark 
Keyword: Playing: fun 
Composers: Van Bergeijk, Gilius; Bach, Johann Seb. 

The music can't go

bad, so everyone enjoys --

beating his heart out.

De muziek kan nietDie Musik kann nicht
stuk, dus iedereen mag er --schlecht werden, also darf man --
lekker op losslaan.schön drauflosschlagen.

Gedicht H3718
Amsterdam, 2023-02-11
BAC - II (Gilius van Bergeijk) - 1970
Composition for barrel organ, performed by the Busy Drone in the Organpark on February 11th, 2023
The adagio of BWV 1060 (from 1730) arranged for barrel organ, omitting the echoes played by the oboe after the violin passages

Collection: org ANP ark 
Keyword: Music: playful 
Composers: Van Bergeijk, Gilius; Bach, Johann Seb. 

We all sing along,

even if it's out of tune --

Now it's party time!

Iedereen zingt mee,Alle singen mit,
het geeft niet dat het vals klinkt --es macht nichts, wenn's verstimmt klingt --
want we vieren feest!Heute feiern wir!

Gedicht H3717
Amsterdam, 2023-02-11
BAC - II (Gilius van Bergeijk) - 1970
Composition for barrel organ, performed by the Busy Drone in the Organpark on February 11th, 2023
The adagio of BWV 1060 (from 1730) arranged for barrel organ, omitting the echoes played by the oboe after the violin passages

Collection: org ANP ark 
Keyword: Party: celebrate 
Composers: Van Bergeijk, Gilius; Bach, Johann Seb. 

The drums are beating,

come and join the overdrive --

on the Bach Engine.

De trommels slaan, kom,Die Trommeln schlagen,
doe mee met de overdrive --rufen zum Overdrive auf --
op de Bach Motor.auf dem Bach-Motor.

Gedicht H3716
Amsterdam, 2023-02-11
BAC - I (Gilius van Bergeijk) - 1970
Composition for barrel organ, performed by the Busy Drone in the Organpark on February 11th, 2023
The first allegro of BWV 1060 (from 1730) arranged for barrel organ, omitting the echoes played by the oboe after the violin passages

Collection: org ANP ark 
Keyword: Surrender 
Composers: Van Bergeijk, Gilius; Bach, Johann Seb. 

Van Bergeijk, Gilius
Attention is like sunshineReverse the order: oldest on top
Mention © Zywa when using texts,
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