Zywa Meagrebeast

The poet dreams romantic
of unearthly beautiful women
and he mocks the ordinary people

He's bluffing he will reveal
the women's secret
their fondest heart's desire

In the end he promises
loyalty to an old woman
whose words laugh at him

Women want to be the boss
of their husband and their lover
not allow them a life of their own

like in the land of Meagrebeast
where this truth is lied
by women who are jealous

and who defend their husbands
so they don't have to go to bed
with their wrong

Poem 4514
Amsterdam, 2022-06-06
Clerk's Tale (Geoffrey Chaucer) - 1400
The tale closes with a song about Griselda, in which Chaucer refers to Meagre cow
Meagrebeast: Chichevache ("Meagre cow"), the name which Geoffrey Chaucer gave to Chichifache ("Uglyface"), the werewolf, which, according to a French legend, only fed itself with obedient wives and was therefore very skinny
And the panther-bull Bicorn ("Two-horn") devours kind husbands, so he is plump and stuffed

Collection: Frames
Keyword: Love: flawed/doubt/powerless 
Tribute to: Chaucer, Geoffrey 

Zywa Snow White's Death

Her neck, I remember
was a round ivory tower
not too short, not too long

Snow-white skin
Snow White her name
Who would not love her!

Oh, her shoulders, firm
and soft her arms and legs
round breasts and hips

straight back, perfect beauty
Magic mirror on the wall
who is beloved by all?

We all wished to know her
and hear words from her mouth
that bear witness to our existence

If she was only there
then I could hope
to love her someday

Poem 4505
Amsterdam, 2022-05-30
Book of the Duchess (Geoffrey Chaucer) - 1369
Also known as "The Deth of Blaunche"
Collection: The Big Secret
Keyword: Love: romance 
Tribute to: Chaucer, Geoffrey 

Love adorns itself

with longing and with sadness --

with insomnia.

Liefde versiert zichDie Liebe schmückt sich
met verlangen, met verdriet --mit Sehnsucht und mit Kummer --
en slapeloosheid.mit Schlaflosigkeit.

Poem S1056
Amsterdam, 0000-00-00
Tales of Caunterbury (Geoffrey Chaucer) - 1400
"Knight's Tale"
Collection: Love Mind and Death
Keyword: Desire (lust) 
Tribute to: Chaucer, Geoffrey 

Tribute to
Chaucer, Geoffrey
Attention is like sunshineReverse the order: oldest on top
Mention © Zywa when using texts,
drawings, designs, paintings and photos
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