Knowledge of human

nature: learning that people --

are not characters.

Met mensenkennisMit Menschenkenntnis
moet ik leren: mensen zijn --muss ich lernen: Menschen sind --
geen personages.keine Figuren.

Poem H4541
Amsterdam, 2024-02-26
The character's helplessness (Marjoleine de Vos) - 2024
Column "De hulpeloosheid van het personage", in the NRC of February 26th, 2024) - Reality and fiction: do movies and novels teach us not only to understand people, but also to see them as characters?
Collection: Known
Keyword: People: fellow man 
Tribute to: De Vos, Marjoleine 

Any memory

you repeat turns easily --

into a desire.

Een herinneringErinnerungen
die je herhaalt, verandert --die du wiederholst, ändern --
in een verlangen.sich leicht in Wünsche.

Poem H3394
Amsterdam, 2022-07-25
The desire for what you already know is the strongest (Marjoleine de Vos) - 2022
Column "Het verlangen naar wat je al kent, dat is het sterkst" (in NRC, July 25th, 2022)
Collection: Over
Keyword: Memory: melancholy 
Tribute to: De Vos, Marjoleine 

The deer is close by,

it breathes and looks, motionless --

I feel being seen.

Het hert is dichtbij,Die Rehgeiß ist nah,
het ademt en kijkt, roerloos --sie schaut, regungslos fühle --
voel ik me gezien.ich mich gesehen.

Poem H2538
Amsterdam, 2019-08-03
That the animal saw you (Marjoleine de Vos) - 2019
Article "Dat het dier je zag" in nrc.weekend
Collection: Finethreads
Keyword: Contact: closeness 
Tribute to: De Vos, Marjoleine 
Dedicated to: Marjoleine de Vos, Marjoleine de Vos, Marjoleine de Vos, Marjoleine de Vos, Marjoleine de Vos 

I cycle along,

the horse watches me, maybe --

I'll stop and touch him.

Ik fiets langs de wei,In der Wiese schaut
het paard kijkt, misschien stop ik --das Pferd. Würde ich halten --
en raak ik hem aan.und es berühren?

Poem H2537
Amsterdam, 2019-07-22
That the animal saw you (Marjoleine de Vos) - 2019
Article "Dat het dier je zag" in nrc.weekend
Collection: Skin-contact
Keyword: Contact: touch(ed) 
Tribute to: De Vos, Marjoleine 
Dedicated to: Marjoleine de Vos, Marjoleine de Vos, Marjoleine de Vos, Marjoleine de Vos, Marjoleine de Vos 

Read, and realise:

it also is about you --

this past history.

Lees, en besef danLese, erkenne:
dat het ook over jou gaat --es geht ebenfalls um dich --
die verleden tijd.die Vergangenheit.

Poem H2328
Amsterdam, 2018-11-26
Oh, oh, Madame, aren't you exaggerating? (Marjoleine de Vos) - 2018
Column "Oh, oh, Madame, overdrijft u niet?" in the of October 26th, 2018
Collection: Here &Now&
Keyword: Past: discover 
Tribute to: De Vos, Marjoleine 
Dedicated to: Marjoleine de Vos, Marjoleine de Vos, Marjoleine de Vos, Marjoleine de Vos, Marjoleine de Vos 

New Year’s Eve: we laugh

at 1 year, we keep counting --

the days, quietly.

Oudjaar: we lachenNeujahr: wir lachen
om 1 jaar, wijs tellen wij --um 1 Jahr und wir zählen --
rustig de dagen.ruhig die Tage.

Poem H1408
Amsterdam, 2016-04-13
Last days (Marjoleine de Vos) - 2013
Poem "Laatste dagen" (collection "Uitzicht genoeg")
Collection: Rasping ants
Keywords: , New Year 
Tribute to: De Vos, Marjoleine 
Dedicated to: Marjoleine de Vos, Marjoleine de Vos, Marjoleine de Vos, Marjoleine de Vos, Marjoleine de Vos 

Happiness just comes

and goes, again and again --

it's new, it is: now.

Geluk komt en gaatGlück kommt und Glück geht
voorbij, elke keer opnieuw --mal vorbei, immer wieder --
nieuw, elke keer: nu.neu, und immer: jetzt.

Poem H1289
Amsterdam, 0000-00-00
Nostalgia for the future - 6 (Marjoleine de Vos) - 2013
Poem "Heimwee naar de toekomst - 6" (collection "Uitzicht genoeg")
Collection: Inwardings
Keyword: Happiness (absorption) 
Tribute to: De Vos, Marjoleine 
Dedicated to: Marjoleine de Vos, Marjoleine de Vos, Marjoleine de Vos, Marjoleine de Vos, Marjoleine de Vos 

I'm expectant and

I'm ready to write it down:

the northern lights, there!

Vol verwachting enVoller Erwartung,
klaar om het op te schrijven:bereit es aufzuschreiben:
het noorderlicht, ginds!Nordlicht, dort drüben!

Poem S0321
Amsterdam, 2015-08-10
Mrs. Despina sees northern lights - 2008
Poem "Mevrouw Despina ziet noorderlicht" (collection "Het waait")
Collection: Unseen
Keyword: Distance / Detachment 
Tribute to: De Vos, Marjoleine 
Dedicated to: Marjoleine de Vos, Marjoleine de Vos, Marjoleine de Vos, Marjoleine de Vos, Marjoleine de Vos 

Going higher and

higher, beyond the best view --

into the cold night.

Steeds maar hoger gaan,Immer höher, an
het mooiste uitzicht voorbij --dem schönsten Aussicht vorbei --
de koude nacht die kalte Nacht.

Poem H1288
Amsterdam, 2015-08-10
A walking tour (Marjoleine de Vos) - 2004
Poem "Een wandeltocht" (collection "Het waait")
Collection: Passage Passion
Keyword: Life: discover / explore 
Tribute to: De Vos, Marjoleine 
Dedicated to: Marjoleine de Vos, Marjoleine de Vos, Marjoleine de Vos, Marjoleine de Vos, Marjoleine de Vos 

Voice and acts bowels

blood and all those toes, that's it --

that is me, they say.

Stem en daden darmStimme und Taten
bloed en al die tenen, dat --Darm, Blut und alle Zehen --
ben ik, zeggen ze.das bin ich, sagt man.

Poem H1287
Amsterdam, 0000-00-00
I'm looking for me (Marjoleine de Vos) - 2003
Poem "Ik zoek mij" (collection "Kat van sneeuw")
Collection: Rasping ants
Keyword: Identity: body 
Tribute to: De Vos, Marjoleine 
Dedicated to: Marjoleine de Vos, Marjoleine de Vos, Marjoleine de Vos, Marjoleine de Vos, Marjoleine de Vos 

My eyes are cutting

pictures, all the time, they're mine --

just look who I am.

Mijn ogen knippenSchauend schneide ich
steeds plaatjes, die zijn van mij --Bilder, sie gehören mir --
kijk maar wie ik ben.sieh mal wer ich bin.

Poem H1286
Amsterdam, 0000-00-00
Snow White to the hunter (Marjoleine de Vos) - 2003
Poem "Sneeuwwitje tot de jager" (collection "Kat van sneeuw")
Collection: Rasping ants
Keyword: Identity: surroundings 
Tribute to: De Vos, Marjoleine 
Dedicated to: Marjoleine de Vos, Marjoleine de Vos, Marjoleine de Vos, Marjoleine de Vos, Marjoleine de Vos 

Zywa Mount Olympus, 73 years

The war had started
with a quarrel beginning small
but not knowing how to stop
and honour, stubbornness, resentment
the destructiveness of men

Far from the turmoil of battle
the big countries are meeting
on the round top of the Olympus
they drink nectar and look away
in the distance how to proceed

The rich cities are pathetic
they pity the humans
lying one by one
in the dust, but the sun is shining
and says: let them fight it out for themselves

One supports one
the other supports the other
each holds his position
and evilly hatches plans
waiting for the dark

pondering about secret actions
telling to be the wisest
looking ahead further and
giving advice in the field
to speed up the end

Poem 1748
Amsterdam, 2018-05-04
United Nations (since October 24th, 1945)
Ilias (Homer)

Collection: PumicePieces
Keyword: War: fight/resistance/guerrilla 
Tribute to: Homerus; De Vos, Marjoleine 
Dedicated to: Marjoleine de Vos, Marjoleine de Vos, Marjoleine de Vos, Marjoleine de Vos, Marjoleine de Vos 

Tribute to
De Vos, Marjoleine
Attention is like sunshineReverse the order: oldest on top
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