Zywa Knowing Feeling

I am alive: moments
of which I know nothing
and cannot know anything

It's only a split second
after that I realize -
my mind divides it

into myself
into others and objects -
what altogether is not there

when I live, then I am
one with everything
without any

attention and senses
appearing to be involved
It just is and cannot be

any other way, sometimes
with an after-effect -
a Knowing Feeling

Gedicht 3460
Amsterdam, 2021-02-09
Tao (Laozi [604-507])
Monism: there is one being, neutral, no materialism and no idealism (Baruch Spinoza [1632-1677], Parmenides [born c. 515 BC])

Bundel: Lilith's Powers
Keyword: Universe: connection 
Tribute to: Laozi; Parmenides 

If there's a nothing,

it remains nothing, things are --

evolved out of things.

Als er een niets is,Wenn es ein Nichts gibt,
blijft het niets, want iets is iets --bleibt es nichts, etwas entsteht --
dat ontstond uit iets.immer aus etwas.

Gedicht H3161
Amsterdam, 2021-12-28
On nature (Parmenides) - -455
Didactic poem "De natura"
Bundel: Metamorphic body
Keyword: Beginning: origin 
Tribute to: Parmenides 

Tribute to
Attention is like sunshineReverse the order: oldest on top
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drawings, designs, paintings and photos
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