Zywa The other man

What year are we living in?
Is the song not banned
but shunned and forgotten?

Is it that time already
now that I don't hear anyone
singing along to that song?

Do men have better judgement
and what do women experience
of the new customs?

La donna è mobile?

Are women fickle
and does that count as a licence
for dissolute abuse?

Oh, men
who play king and duke
are fickle in love

They string women
on their own self-conceit
and it's not funny

Poem 5545
Amsterdam, 2024-07-15
Air "Woman is fickle" (Victor Hugo / Francesco Maria Piave / Giuseppe Verdi) - 1832
Air "La donna è mobile" from the opera "Rigoletto" (1851, "Rigolo" = funny-man, funny, amusing), third act; based on the play "Le roi s'amuse" (1832, "The king has fun")
Collection: Freend
Tribute to: Hugo, Victor 
Composer: Verdi, Giuseppe 

The best deals for you:

yummie ritsing and rushing --

yummie pussycats!

Koop de beste deals::
lekker ritsen en roezen --lecker ritzen und rauschen --
lekkere poezen!leckere Schmuschi!

Poem S1111
Amsterdam, 2020-12-18
Willie the Pimp (Frank Zappa) - 1969
Song on the album "Hot Rats"
Frank Zappa: "On 'The Shadow of Your Smile', Archie Shepp played a solo that sounded to me like an army of pre-heated rats screaming out of his saxophone"

Collection: Truder
Tribute to: Zappa, Frank 
Composer: Zappa, Frank 
Dedicated to: Valentina Bruno 

Zywa Crack between shame and decency

They slip in through a crack
between shame and decency
their bodies lie down

on the disposable covers
and smell the expectation
not the disinfectant

on my hands, not the rubber
around their longing, beating
for my proximity, their imagination

makes me desirable
the woman of their dreams
thought in the flesh

Outside, the Elephant waits
his eyes seem very small
peering inside

until the door opens
and his trunk searches for me
to swing me on his back

Poem 3104
Amsterdam, 2020-07-11
Ndlovu = (little) elephant
Collection: Greeting from before
Dedicated to: Godfrey N 

Zywa Forced peace

Walking past the signs Former
Red Light District
I know I'm dreaming
of a better future

I can imagine it much more easily
than what it is like
to be a man

who buys the use of a body
without any notion what's wrong
I must arm myself against him

Walls? Dullness? Claws?
And company, then I can
laugh at jealous eyes

and the greedy ones
looking away from me
to someone else - no one

will I greet as my master
everyone welcomes me, Servus
where there was once war

Poem 1416
Amsterdam, 2017-06-17
Servus = slave (schiavo in Venetian slang) announcement of the slave that he is available >> servant >> general greeting in Austria (Servus) and Italy (ciao)
Collection: The Yellow House Museum

Red light, while I wait,

all the cyclists are passing --

The woman beckons.

Ik sta voor rood licht,,
alle fietsers rijden door --die anderen fahren durch --
De vrouw wenkt naar mij.Die Frau winkt mich an.

Poem S0006
Amsterdam, 2011-11-28
Red Light District
Collection: Heart's Delight

Abuse (for money)
Attention is like sunshineMention © Zywa when using texts,
drawings, designs, paintings and photos
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