Diphthongs are floating

dreamily heavy around --

like flat flakes of ice.

Tweeklanken drijvenZwielaute schweben
dromerig zwaar om ons heen --verträumt schwer um uns herum --
Vlakke ijsschotsen.Flache Eisschollen.

Poem H4660
Amsterdam, 2024-05-29
The Spectral Organ (Maria W. Horn & Mats Erlandsson) - 2024
Readapted versions performed on the hyperorgan by Maria W. Horn and Mats Erlandsson in the Organpark on May 29th, 2024; light scenography by Zalán Szakács
Collection: org anp ARK 
Composers: Horn, Maria W; Erlandsson, Mats 

Timbuktu, the moon,

the woman in the window --

tired from serving tea.

Timboektoe, de maan,Timbuktu, der Mond,
de vrouw in het venster, moe --die Frau am Fenster, müde --
van het theeschenken.vom Teeausschenken.

Poem H4144
Amsterdam, 2023-09-12
A Change of tongue (Antjie Krog) - 2003
"La Caravane de la Poésie" in 1999 - Author Albakaye Ousmane Kounta recites a poem in Kita (Mali)
Tale, part 5, A journey (Day Four)

Collection: Here &Now&
Tribute to: Krog, Antjie 

I sleep, my eyes are

separated from the world --

I'm invisible.

Ik slaap, mijn ogenIch schlafe, meine
gescheiden van de wereld --Augen von der Welt getrennt --
Ik ben onzichtbaar.Ich bin unsichtbar.

Poem H3866
Amsterdam, 2023-06-20
Leda in her first sleep (Paul Éluard) - 1949
Poem "Léda dans son premier sommeil" (collection "Leda")
Collection: Shelter
Tribute to: Éluard, Paul 

Quietly she looks

at me -- a comb through my mind,

waving in her wind.

Stil kijkt ze mij aan --Ihr ruhiger Blick
een kam door mijn gedachten,kämmt durch meine Gedanken --
wuivend in haar wind.in ihrer Brise.

Poem H3746
Amsterdam, 2023-03-02
Wild crops (Bruno van Imschoot) - 2014
Poem "Wilde gewassen" (collection "Wuivend gras")
Collection: Loves Tricks Gains Pains in the 10s
Tribute to: Van Imschoot, Bruno 

I'm calm and quiet,

just as the windless world is --

in the autumn sun.

Ik ben even stilIch bin genauso
als de windstille wereld --still wie die windstille Welt --
in de najaarszon.in der Herbstsonne.

Poem H3494
Berg en Dal, 2022-10-11
Collection: Metamorphic body

Casting fishing lines

is a slow dance; I'm catching --

peaceful quietness.

Een langzame dansEin langsamer Tanz
van werphengels; ze vangen --von Wurfangeln; sie fangen --
een vredige rust.friedliche Ruhe.

Poem H3333
Amsterdam, 2022-06-16
The Ritualists (William Carlos Williams) - 1940
Poem (The New Yorker, May 18, 1940, page 80)
Collection: Actively Passive
Tribute to: Williams, William Carlos 

Through long avenues

I walk green peace into me --

Bearable lightness.

Door lange lanenLange Alleen,
loop ik groene rust in mij --erträgliche Leichtigkeit --
Draaglijke lichtheid.Erholung in mich.

Poem H3288
Amsterdam, 2022-05-09
The Unbearable Lightness of Being (Milan Kundera) - 1984
Book "L'Insoutenable Légèreté de l'être"
Collection: Stream
Tribute to: Kundera, Milan 

Without travelling

I have arrived where I am --

This is my place now.

Zonder te reizenOhne zu reisen
ben ik beland waar ik ben --kam ich dort an, wo ich bin --
Nu is dit mijn plaats.Jetzt ist das mein Platz.

Poem H2669
Amsterdam, 2020-02-09
Tao Te Ching #47
The Inner Light (George Harrison) - -300

Song (George Harrison & The Beatles)
Collection: Glimpsed
Tribute to: Harrison, George; The Beatles 

Today I shall do

nothing, not like yesterday --

no, differently.

Vandaag doe ik niets,Heute werde ich
nee, niet zoals gisteren --nichts machen, nicht wie gestern --
Een heel ander niets.Ein anderes Nichts.

Poem H2096
Amsterdam, 2018-05-17
- What are you going to do today? - Nothing (Herman de Coninck) - 1993
Poem "- Wat ga je vandaag eens doen? - Niets" (collection "Pastorale")
Collection: Shortages
Tribute to: De Coninck, Herman 

We sit in silence,

the silence of our state-room --

echoing silence.

Wij zijn stil, en stilWir sind still, und still
is onze nette kamer --ist unser Staatszimmer mit --
Met echo's stilte.Echos der Stille.

Poem H1817
Amsterdam, 2017-10-02
Hear my voice now (Franca Treur) - 2017
Novel "Hoor nu mijn stem", chapter 2
Collection: VacantVoid
Tribute to: Treur, Franca 

Zywa At home together
I always wished to live right by the sea
no bustle, just a simple life in which I bide
my time, but no one ever invited me
so I stayed at home and watched the tide

because I likethe quiet way
contented withthe present day
It's still okayalthough I may
decide to venturethe life-in-spe
I fantasiseas in a play
my sweet delaymy sweet delay

Houses by the sea are costly or too small
very draughty through the chinks and cracking joints
old and eaten by the frequent salty squall
that licks the planks with hungry humid tongues

Because I likethe quiet way
contented withthe present day
It's still okayalthough I may
decide to venturethe life-in-spe
I fantasiseas in a play
my sweet delaymy sweet delay

Would anyone want to be here, live with me
a simple life, no bustle, just the two
of us, at home together, being free?
Just someone to show my love to?

Because I likethe quiet way
contented withthe present day
It's still okayalthough I may
decide to venturethe life-in-spe
I fantasiseas in a play
my sweet delaymy sweet delay
Poem 1190
Amsterdam, 2017-03-11
Life for rent (Dido) - 2003
Song (Dido Armstrong, Rick Nowels, Rollo Armstrong; album "Life for rent")
Collection: Untwisted
Tribute to: Dido (Armstrong, Dido) 

The pond and the ducks

under long drooping branches --

everything dripped green.

Vijvers en eendenTeiche und Enten
onder lange hangtakken --unter den Hängezweigen --
alles groen gedrupt.alles grün getropft.

Poem H0261
Amsterdam, 2012-04-18
The Leijpark in Tilburg (1963)
Collection: Life line 

After the crossing

I've tea with the ferryman --

no need to travel.

Na de overzetNach der Überfahrt
drink ik thee met de veerman --trink' ich Tee mit dem Fährmann --
ik hoef nergens heen.ich muss nicht weiter.

Poem H0123
Julianadorp, 2012-01-01
Collection: Webgarden

Under bobbing leaves

I am lazely floating --

in the wide blue sky.

Onder deinend bladUnter wogendem
lig ik loom te dobberen --Laub treib ich lässig herum --
in de blauwe lucht.im blauen Himmel.

Poem H0088
Julianadorp, 2011-12-25
Collection: WoofWoof

Calm: harmony
Attention is like sunshineMention © Zywa when using texts,
drawings, designs, paintings and photos
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