Just the slow falling

of the evening, the seconds --

Just being right here.

Alleen het vallenNur der Einbruch
van de avondseconden --des Abends, der Sekunden --
Alleen maar hier zijn.Einfach nur hier sein.

Poem H4241
Amsterdam, 2023-10-21
Spring Passes (Ivan Bozicevic) - 2015
Composition for organ, saxophone and double bass, inspired by Basho's haiku, performed on October 21st, 2023 in the Organpark by Ivan Bozicevic, Ben van Gelder and Tijs Klaassen
Collection: org ANP ark 
Tribute to: Basho, Matsuo 
Composer: Bozicevic, Ivan 

I lie in the yard,

a snake slithers over me --

Rustling evening wind.

Ik lig in de tuin,Ich liege im Hof,
er glijdt een slang over mij --eine Schlange über mich --
De avondwind ruist.Der Abendwind rauscht.

Poem H4132
Amsterdam, 2023-09-09
A Change of tongue (Antjie Krog) - 2003
Essay on the theme 'Then the evening wind rustles through the leaves...' (1970)
Tale, part 1 § 9, "Chapter forty-two"

Collection: Skin-contact
Tribute to: Krog, Antjie 

Zywa Smiley from Brussels

I pick up plants from the street and slow down
Caring with soil, scissors and cotton wool
I slow down and cook, for him, and with him
everything else slows down. I don't do much

At first wilfully, daily exercises
and meditation, my body asked for it

Esther covered my skin, he caresses
it, he catches my navel lint
Childish games, silly jokes
Giggling like a lama

Cuddling, energy
from the sun behind my clouds
Peace of on and off buttons

The slower sucking and spitting
of the ganglia in my head
No more overdrive
All neural pathways know it

Poem 5248
Amsterdam, 2023-06-26
Zhineng Qigong = Wise and Skillful Handling of the Energy of Life

"Guru" = "Weighty" of knowledge, spiritual teacher
"Lama" = "Soul-Mother", "Highest Mother"

On and off buttons: agonists and antagonists, the biochemical signal substances that imitate the effect of a hormone

Overdrive = acceleration of the wheels relative to the engine, by installing an extra gear

Collection: Bruises
Dedicated to: Maria Godschalk 

The long beginning

of the ritual takes me --

into a secret.

De lange aanhefDer lange Anfang
van het ritueel draagt mij --des Rituals führt mich mit --
mee, een geheim in.in ein Geheimnis.

Poem H3838
Amsterdam, 2023-06-03
Outline of a Whisper (Amarante Nat) - 2023
Composition for two voices, two trombones and two organs, performed on June 3rd, 2023 and November 30th, 2024 in the Organpark by Kristia Michael and Amarante Nat (voices), Yiannis Bontis and Juan Cancer Navarro (trombones) and Francesca Ajossa (organs)
Collection: org ANP ark 
Composer: Nat, Amarante 

Everything goes slow,

his walking, his answering --

Always three dots first...

Alles gaat heel traag,Alles geht langsam,
zijn lopen, zijn antwoorden --sein Gehen, sein Antworten --
Steeds eerst drie puntjes...Zuerst drei Punkte...

Poem S1748
Amsterdam, 2023-04-27
I'm not there (Lize Spit) - 2020
Novel "Ik ben er niet", pages 347-348
Collection: Shelter
Tribute to: Spit, Lize 

I am as the phrase

goes, deep in thought, pondering --

just about nothing.

Ik ben zoals datIch bin, wie man sagt,
heet in gedachten, ik peins --in Gedanken, ich denke --
en denk nergens aan.nichts, soweit ich weiß.

Poem H3785
Amsterdam, 2023-04-02
The Office - The Death of Maarten Koning (Han Voskuil) - 2000
Novel "Het Bureau - De dood van Maarten Koning"
Page 165, Maarten Koning and Joost Kraai (1988)

Collection: Not too bad
Tribute to: Voskuil, Han 

At times a boat, car,

or delivery, the town --

has been ruralised.

Af en toe een boot,Ab und zu ein Boot,
een auto, de bezorger --ein Auto, die Lieferdienst --
De stad is verdorpt.Die Stadt ist verdorft.

Poem H3172
Amsterdam, 2022-01-10
Lockdown because of Covid-19
Collection: Not too bad

Zywa Explore horizons

I can't live faster
than my body
can keep up with
Cycling and boating are the maximum

A short train or bus trip may go well
if I pay attention and transform
not read or sleep, otherwise
I will have to endure the skipped life
at a blow on arrival

Express trains and planes break me
up, then I immediately fall behind
and it doesn't help
to count down the kilometers
every five minutes
by tens at a time

My roots are lithe
they make me reach
for the world
to which they bind me
that's why I move them carefully
and slowly when I set out
to explore horizons

Poem 3961
Amsterdam, 2021-09-27
Collection: Migration

The old storehouses

swing towards my paddle stroke:

I'm cruising through time.

Pakhuizen wiegenKaufhäuser wiegen
mijn peddelslag tegemoet:auf meinen Paddelschlag zu:
rondvaart door de tijd.Rundfahrt durch die Zeit.

Poem H3029
Amsterdam, 2021-09-01
Collection: New Ago

An island, nothing

is said, here, time is strolling --

away from the trails.

Een eiland van nietsEine Insel, nichts
zeggen, hier flaneert de tijd --wird gesagt, die Zeit flaniert --
buiten de paden.abseits der Pfade.

Poem H2754
Amsterdam, 2020-06-27
Schiermonnikoog (Fouad Laroui) - 2004
Poem (collection "Hollandse woorden")
Collection: Stream
Tribute to: Laroui, Fouad 

I've plenty of time

for Qigong since you left me --

I wait not-waiting.

Ik heb tijd genoegSeit du weg bist: Zeit
voor Qigong nu jij weg bent --genug für Qigong, wartend --
Niet-wachtend wacht ik.ohne zu warten.

Poem H2586
Vaison-la-Romaine, 2019-10-16
Collection: Metamorphic body

Zywa A long-awaited home

It depends
on how I focus
Usually, I don't see anything

but the almost standstill
of slow shifts
or the to and fro

of shootings that I can't track -
life, in the city
and within me, active

even when I am passive -
metabolism and cell renewal
invisible but perceptible like the fight

for my existence and that
of the bacteria that struck me
as a long-awaited home

Poem 2396
Amsterdam, 2019-09-08
Health Care Centre of Our Lady, location East, ward B8, after 8 days in the ICU
Collection: The Praised One

The sun and the moon

never rush, nor think, they are --

where they are, on time.

Zon en maan haastenSieh, Sonne und Mond
zich niet, denken niet, ze zijn --beeilen sich nicht, sie sind --
waar ze zijn, op tijd.wo sie sind, pünktlich.

Poem H1576
Amsterdam, 2016-10-28
I'm not in a hurry (Alberto Caeiro) - 1919
Poem "Não tenho pressa" (Fernando Pessoa)
Collection: SoulSenseSun
Tribute to: Caeiro, Alberto; Pessoa, Fernando 

I take it easy:

fear and regrett are like love --

microbial fuss.

Ik maak me niet druk:Keine Sorge: Angst
angst en spijt zijn als liefde --und Reue sind wie Liebe --

Poem H1069
Amsterdam, 2014-11-30
Letters 760 and 764 (Vincent van Gogh) - 1889
Letter of April, 21st, 1889 to Theo van Gogh
Letter of May 2nd, 1889 to Willemien van Gogh

Collection: Tardiness in Acceleration
Tribute to: Van Gogh, Vincent 

Calm: tardiness
Attention is like sunshineMention © Zywa when using texts,
drawings, designs, paintings and photos
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