
a fire ignites within me --

the light of knowledge.

Het inwijdingsvuurDie Einweihung blitzt
bliksemt in mij en ontsteekt --Feuer in mich, entzündet --
het licht van weten.das Licht des Wissens.

Poem H4615
Amsterdam, 2024-04-28
Khet (the divine solar fire >> the burning lamp)
Sakara, Pentecost

Collection: The King

While talking, we find

in our circular thoughts what --

we already knew.

Al pratend vindenWir reden, finden
we in cirkelgedachten --in unsren Kreisgedanken --
wat we al wisten.was wir schon wussten.

Poem S2123
Amsterdam, 2024-02-10
Diffractive Reading (Bill Mullaney) - 2024
"Diffractive Reading" by Bill Mullaney: reading of the twelve cards designed by him after Pauline Oliveros' "Wind Horse Mandala", in the Organpark on February 10th, 2024
Collection: org ANP ark 

A poem opens

you to the light, it drapes light --

into sounds of words.

Een gedicht opentEin Gedicht öffnet
je voor het licht, het drapeert --dich für das Licht, es drapiert --
licht in woordklanken.Licht in Wortklänge.

Poem H4150
Amsterdam, 2023-09-12
A Change of tongue (Antjie Krog) - 2003
"La Caravane de la Poésie" in 1999 - In a dune near Timbuktu (Mali)
Tale, part 5, A journey (Day Fifteen)

Collection: A profession 
Tribute to: Krog, Antjie 

The things I suspect

always turn out to be truths --

that can be trusted.

Als ik iets vermoed,Was ich vermute,
is dat altijd een waarheid --ist immer eine Wahrheit --
die betrouwbaar is.die verlässlich ist.

Poem H3917
Amsterdam, 2023-07-02
The wrinkles of Esther Ornstein - The history of a neglect (Simon Vestdijk) - 1959
Novel "De rimpels van Esther Ornstein - De geschiedenis van een verzuim", chapter 3-3 (AD 1922)
Collection: Inmost
Tribute to: Vestdijk, Simon 

The dancer, amazed,

keeps revealing secret doors --

that no one can see.

De danser onthultDer Tänzer enthüllt
verbaasd geheime deuren --erstaunt Geheimtüren, die --
die niemand kan zien.niemand sehen kann.

Poem H3675
Amsterdam, 2023-01-16
Secrets are doors (Edmond Jabès) - 1959
Poem "Les secrets sont des portes" (collection "Je bâtis ma demeure")
Collection: Finethreads
Tribute to: Jabès, Edmond 

Zywa Ripples [1]

Senses, to be touched
and to be able to touch, the difference
between being and not being

I touch, so I exist

If I am not touched
I will wither, but
if I do not touch, I do not exist

I can be a loner
touch plants and animals
to live on

I can influence their lives
change their future
I can feed, kill and everything

in between has effects too
even the smallest ripples
make a difference, that is existence

the way we want it, making a difference
making a little positive difference
with each wing beat

Poem 3381
Amsterdam, 2021-01-17
Staring at the Sun: overcoming the terror of death (Irvin Yalom) - 2008
"Butterfly effect" (enlarged reaction)

Collection: Lilith's Powers
Tribute to: Yalom, Irvin 
Dedicated to: Maria Godschalk 

Zywa Hazy thought [2]

The insights in my notebook
have become riddles, I remember
having had today's hazy thought

once before
but clearer, a revelation
that I immediately wrote down

and to catch it again
I've been walking for hours
sniffing for a trail

I walk along the niches-hut
of The Northern Lights through time
the sky turns orange again, the sea green

I keep flies out, I filter
the thoughts of the world
and stand still from time to time

to make sure
I am awake, ready -
my hand on pen and paper

Poem 2521
Amsterdam, 2019-11-29
4½ to 2½ million years ago, the sky was orange (due to a lot of carbon dioxide, with methane, nitrogen and sulfur dioxide) and the sea was green (due to a lot of iron)
Café-restaurant The Northern Lights, Amsterdam

Collection: The light of words

The light on the plan

shines in the dark seemingly --

from his very face.

Het licht op het planDas Licht auf den Plan
schijnt in het donker schijnbaar --scheint im dunklen Raum scheinbar --
vanuit zijn gezicht.aus seinem Gesicht.

Poem H2282
Vaison-la-Romaine, 2018-09-15
Atlas shrugged (Ayn Rand) - 1957
Novel, part 1 Non-contradiction', chapter 7 'The exploiters and the exploited'
Collection: Willegos
Tribute to: Rand, Ayn 

Smoking cautiously:

the fire in your hand lives and --

lights up in your mind.

Bedachtzaam roken:Achtsames Rauchen:
het vuur in je hand leeft en --das Feuer lebt und leuchtet --
licht op in je hoofd.auf in deinem Kopf.

Poem H2264
Braamt, 2018-09-06
Atlas shrugged (Ayn Rand) - 1957
Novel, part 1 'Non-contradiction', chapter 3 'The top and the bottom'
Collection: Willegos
Tribute to: Rand, Ayn 

give notice what is right to do
I too practice virtues

I do the right thing in my situation:
I act attentively
I act with care
I act modestly

Attention is like sunshineMention © Zywa when using texts,
drawings, designs, paintings and photos
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