Inside me, he comes,

and I turn my head to look --

out of the window.

Hij spant zich en komtEr kommt in mir, ich
in mij, ik draai mijn hoofd weg --drehe meinen Kopf weg und --
en kijk uit het raam.schau aus dem Fenster.

Poem S2286
Amsterdam, 2024-07-26
Frankissstein: a love story (Jeanette Winterson) - 2019
Novel, Lake Geneva, 1816
Collection: Loves Tricks Gains Pains in the 10s
Tribute to: Winterson, Jeanette 

There's a mystery

in him that I like to know --

don't, do, like to know.

Er is een raadselDas Rätsel in ihm
in hem dat ik wil kennen --möchte ich kennen, gerne --
niet, wel, wil kennen.kennen, nicht kennen.

Poem H4634
Amsterdam, 2024-05-23
Quichotte (Salman Rushdie) - 2019
Novel, part 1, chapter 6
Collection: Low gear
Tribute to: Rushdie, Salman 

We talk searchingly,

confidentially, as if --

we are weaving dreams.

Aftastend pratenAbtastend reden
we, vertrouwelijk, alsof --wir, sehr vertraulich, als ob --
we dromen weven.wir Träume weben.

Poem H4442
Amsterdam, 2024-01-15
The Storm / The drowned (Margriet de Moor) - 2005
Novel "De verdronkene", § 1-8
Collection: Loves Tricks Gains Pains in the 0s
Tribute to: De Moor, Margriet 

Barefoot, my mother

squats next to me in the grass --

very intimate.

Op blote voetenMeine Mutter hockt
hurkt mijn moeder in het gras --barfuß neben mir im Gras --
heel intiem naast mij.ganz intim nahe.

Poem H4372
Amsterdam, 2023-12-17
Perfect silence (Thomas Verbogt) - 2011
Novel "Perfecte stilte", chapter Summertime
Collection: The sweet curve
Tribute to: Verbogt, Thomas 

What does my father

smell like inside, how much worse --

than his stinking breath?

Hoe ruikt mijn vaderWie riecht mein Vater
van binnen, hoeveel erger --drinnen, wie viel schrecklicher --
dan zijn adem stinkt?als sein Atem stinkt?

Poem S2047
Amsterdam, 2023-12-14
Big Eight (Vrouwkje Tuinman) - 2005
Novel "Grote acht" (route of two circles in dressage), chapter Eleven (years old) #2
Collection: Within the walls
Tribute to: Tuinman, Vrouwkje 

Is intimacy:

your breath, close, so loud? Is this --

love, actually?

Is intimiteit:Ist Intimität:
jouw adem, dichtbij, zo luid?dein Atem, nah, laut? Ist das --
Is dit wel vrijen?tatsächlich Liebe?

Poem H4198
Amsterdam, 2023-10-09
Collection: Freend

Lying at her feet

we look up to her beauty --

the dachshund and I.

Gelegen aan haarVon ihren Füßen
voeten zien we naar haar op --schauen wir zu ihr hinauf --
de teckel en ik.der Teckel und ich.

Poem H4106
Amsterdam, 2023-09-04
Ideas. The Book of Le Grand (Heinrich Heine) - 1827
Travelogue "Ideen. Das Buch Le Grand" (collection "Reisebilder", 2. Teil), set to music in 1840 by Robert Schumann
Collection: Tardiness in Acceleration
Tribute to: Heine, Heinrich 
Composer: Schumann, Robert 

And then you let me

in, then I could be with you --

there, in the bathroom.

En toen liet je mijEndlich lässt du mich
toe, toen mocht ik bij jou zijn --zu und kann ich bei dir sein --
in de Badezimmer.

Poem H4041
Amsterdam, 2023-08-15
Collection: It takes a lot of tries to make a début

Love: forgetting you

know each other, discover --

each other once more.

Liefde: vergetenLiebe: vergessen,
dat je elkaar kent, opnieuw --dass man sich kennt, sich erneut --
elkaar ontdekken.wiederentdecken.

Poem H3922
Amsterdam, 2023-07-02
The wrinkles of Esther Ornstein - The history of a neglect (Simon Vestdijk) - 1959
Novel "De rimpels van Esther Ornstein - De geschiedenis van een verzuim", chapter 3-4 (AD 1922)
Collection: Inmost
Tribute to: Vestdijk, Simon 

I wanted to start

kissing the lips above me --

but it's a doctor.

Ik wil de lippenIch küsse fast die
boven mij kussen, helaas --Lippen über mir, leider --
is het een ist ein Facharzt.

Poem H3837
Amsterdam, 2023-05-30
Personal injury (Vonne van der Meer) - 2022
Novel "Letselschade"
Collection: After the festivities
Tribute to: Van Der Meer, Vonne 

Zywa Close

In the daily dull
familiarity of each other's
presence lies the satisfaction
of caring for each other

touched and seen
intimately close
to the soft facts

which I do not wish to cover
with the frills of words
and borrowed images

Even if I want to describe it
there are limits to what I write
and will others be limited

to our attitude, our glances
the tone of our words
and the best attention we give

Hardly anyone knows us
We are unknown
like almost all people
all ordinary people

Poem 4921
Amsterdam, 2023-01-05
Collection: The Big Secret

Zywa Sensitive love

There is a lot I can no longer
do spontaneously
I touch myself with caution
and rather let you look

than act, but sometimes
the tingling of your
caress arouses unfulfillable needs
deeper and deeper in me

They are sleeping
in my cells, still
desiring to jump you
but your hands ward me off

as a precaution, so sensitive
are our skin and our bones
so painful it can be
to wish to be young

Poem 4705
Amsterdam, 2022-10-09
Collection: More

Zywa To be my home

While you set out cups
in the kitchen and the water starts
singing, I sniff up the scents
to remember them, I stroke
the warm velvet of the couch

and I try the firmness
of your mattress, feeling how
I would stretch out myself
naked as my hand
on the smooth sheet

If only you don't fall in love
or let yourself go in a fantasy
of my desires, unfulfilled
until you finally give it, and so
end our friendship

We've known each other for a long time
you know who I am
when you come into me
to be, to be
my home

Poem 4711
Amsterdam, 2022-10-09
Collection: Freend

We broke up and now

we give our little sweet words --

to a new lover.

We zijn uit elkaarWir trennten uns und
en onze lieve woordjes --geben die süßen Worte --
zijn voor een ander.jemand anderem.

Poem H3452
Amsterdam, 2022-09-17
The carbonised alphabet (Paul de Wispelaere) - 1992
Memoirs "Het verkoolde alfabet"
Collection: Loves Tricks Gains Pains in the 80s and 90s
Tribute to: De Wispelaere, Paul 

You didn't wear that much

when you got into my arms:

a hello, a smile.

Je had niet veel aanDu hattest wenig
toen je in mijn armen kwam:an, als du hier herein kamst:
een groet, een glimlach.den Gruß, ein Lächeln.

Poem H3370
Amsterdam, 2022-07-09
The way you came and and said hi (Herman de Coninck) - 1969
Poem "Zoals je binnenkwam en dag zei" (collection "De lenige liefde")
Collection: Shortages
Tribute to: De Coninck, Herman 

I unravel us,

paralysed you are waiting --

until it's over.

Ik ontrafel ons,Ich entwirre uns,
verlamd zit jij te wachten --du wartest bewegungslos --
tot het voorbij is.bis es vorbei ist.

Poem S1450
Amsterdam, 2022-07-05
Like it or not - Faxing to Ger #4 (Nicolien Mizee) - 2021
Diary-novel "Hoog en laag springen - Faxen aan Ger #4"
Collection: Out of place
Tribute to: Mizee, Nicolien 

Zywa Stroke the skin of my soul

Are you coming, today
I like to look at you again
laugh with you
and listen to you

Come, walk around
in my house, let me
look at you, the step aside
the tension of your buttocks

and your lips
that will kiss me
your hands that are allowed
to do everything I long for

I will not ask too much from you
you don't have to commit yourself
not for longer than I live
not to what you fear

You don't have to take care of me
just leave me alone
when I'm sick
It's enough

that you think of me

Poem 4541
Amsterdam, 2022-06-20
(Poem 1484. Skin of my soul (August 2nd, 2017) about the Frog Prince / Frog King)
Collection: Eyes lips chest and belly

In your sleep I reach

for you and I nestle you --

entirely in me.

In jouw slaap zoek ikIn deinem Schlaf komm
jou op en nestel ik je --ich zu dir und ich niste --
helemaal in mij.dich völlig in mir.

Poem H3259
Amsterdam, 2022-04-06
Collection: Eyes lips chest and belly
Dedicated to: Dory dK 

Our bodies frustrate

intimacy, yes they are --

quite fastidious.

Onze lichamenUnsere Körper
frustreren intimiteit --frustrieren Intimität --
Ze zijn kieskeurig.Sie sind wählerisch.

Poem H3243
Amsterdam, 2022-03-26
Unconscious perceptions by the body
Collection: Imprints Masks

Zywa Love is resistance

Two curtain veils, swinging
wide, stride and drag
their hems around

in smaller and smaller circles
until they rotate in face of each
other and get in the grip
of the floor, their feet

wringing their legs, their waist
into a pirouette
the intimate entanglement

of a coupling couple
and their plait of repeated steps
in good times and in bad
until death ends

the resistance and each comes
free again, stretching loosely
and spreading out

Poem 4396
Amsterdam, 2022-03-19
What is love? (Casper Vandeputte) - 2022
Theatre performance (choreography Justin de Jager), performed on March 18th, 2022 in De Meervaart in Amsterdam, by Theater Utrecht in cooperation with DOX
Collection: The Big Secret
Tribute to: Vandeputte, Casper 

Zywa Intimacy

Only experiences count
now that every day matters:
new activities
beauty to the full

and attention to me
The rest, I clear out
What I have saved for years
I throw away neatly

in wrapping paper
or I fold flowers from it
witch will get dusted
in memory

of my company
our meetings
which cannot wait
We give each other

this day, everything
that can be intimate between
people in the passing
of an ordinary day

I do the fun things
that everyone says
he'd like to do, with you
and you and you and you

Poem 4301
Amsterdam, 2022-02-07
Collection: More
Dedicated to: Maria Godschalk 

I want to kiss her,

but not wake her up, because --

then she'll start talking.

Ik wil haar kussen,Küssen möchte ich
maar niet wakker maken, want --sie, aber wecken nicht, denn --
dan gaat ze praten.dann wird sie reden.

Poem S1306
Amsterdam, 2022-01-02
Beside Myself (Sasha Marianna Salzmann) - 2017
Novel "Außer sich"
Collection: Ya, a tightrope walk
Tribute to: Salzmann, Sasha M. 

Zywa My soul has tender skin

No matter how good it is
as it is, still I long
to feel and make it feel
that we are intimate friends

My soul has tender skin
when we physically feel
the love we feel
and the fierce passion

we smile together with it
My skin has hands
for intimacy, for you
tight against me

fingertips for
gently sparing
the delicate spots
and heartfelt contentment

Poem 3967
Amsterdam, 2021-09-30
Collection: More

With her husky voice

she reads to him, full of love --

in the twilight hours.

Met haar hese stemHeiser liest sie ihm
leest ze voor in de schemer-in den Dämmerungsstunden --
uren vol liefde.voller Liebe vor.

Poem H2853
Amsterdam, 2020-12-13
The general in his labyrinth (Gabriel García Márquez) - 1989
Story "El general en su laberinto" about Simón Bolívar
Collection: Tardiness in Acceleration
Tribute to: García Márquez, Gabriel 

Love does not anchor

in the time of corona --

catching up for years.

Liefde blijft varenLiebe ankert nicht
in tijden van corona --in Zeiten der Korona --
ze haalt jaren in.holt jahrelang auf.

Poem H2850
Amsterdam, 2020-12-12
Gabriel García Márquez:"El amor en los tiempos de cólera" (1985, "Love in the Time of Cholera")
Fermina and Florentino sail on "La Nueva Fidelidad" ("The New Fidelity") in quarantine back and forth on the river Magdalena

Collection: More
Tribute to: García Márquez, Gabriel 

You are familiar,

I always see how you feel --

yet I do not know.

Je bent me vertrouwd,Du bist mir vertraut,
ik kan zien hoe jij je voelt --ich sehe, wie du dich fühlst --
toch weet ik het niet.doch ich weiß es nicht.

Poem H2852
Amsterdam, 2020-12-12
Collection: More

Zywa 1.5m earth

We are close together
without touching each other
we do that underground

in the airy worm bed
far from the chattering magpies
on our arms, the arrows

of the squeaky parakeets
with the news of the day
and the screaming gulls

We do it in the dark
licking each other's juices
and we intertwine

Ants, we don't tolerate
nowhere on our skin
they have to go elsewhere

where the parties are
fungi and lice galore
not here

Poem 3020
Amsterdam, 2020-06-28
Covid-19 pandemic, Social distancing
Collection: Changing Times

Zywa King-size bed

You you you want me, want to be
close to me in the King-size bed
you search inspiration
and seem to be only half working

You you you want me, want to be
close to me and you don't see
crooked eyes, only me
you want me while you work

You you you want me, want to be
close to me in the King-size bed
and I want you you you
with me, in the King-size bed

I want you you you close to me
Your work makes no progress
and I am bored
in the King-size bed

Poem 2468
Amsterdam, 2019-10-23
I want you (She's so heavy) (John Lennon, The Beatles) - 1969
Song (album "Abbey Road")
Celtic symbolism: Gort (the Ivy), that attaches itself strongly and can strangle a tree; the Ivy should be guided by Guinevere (the faery bride) and the Butterfly (the symbol of the belief in fairies)
On vacation in Scotland, John and Yoko ended up in their car in a ditch and had to be nursed for a while in the hospital. Back in London, John had a King-size bed installed in the recording studio so that Yoko could still be present at the sessions. A microphone hung above her to comment.

Collection: Lilith's Powers
Tribute to: Lennon, John; The Beatles 

Swimming hand in hand

isn't easy, we take a rest --

with salty kisses.

Hand in hand zwemmenHand in Hand schwimmen
valt niet mee, we rusten uit --ist schwierig, wir ruhen uns --
met zoute Salzküssen aus.

Poem H2523
Amsterdam, 2019-07-12
Grand Hotel Europa (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer) - 2018
Collection: Palace of the night
Tribute to: Pfeijffer, Ilja Leonard 

I don't explore you

anymore, I recognize --

you, whatever we do.

Ik hoef jou niet meerIch muss dich nicht mehr
te ontdekken, ik herken --entdecken, ich erkenne --
jou, wat we ook doen.dich immer wieder.

Poem H2513
Amsterdam, 2019-06-29
Love, if it is so (Marijke Schermer) - 2019
Novel "Liefde, als dat het is"
Collection: Loves Tricks Gains Pains in the 10s
Tribute to: Schermer, Marijke 

It is great to do

things together: waking up --

or staying awake.

Samen is heerlijk:Nebeneinander:
naast elkaar wakker worden --süß, zusammen aufwachen --
of wakker blijven.oder wach bleiben.

Poem H2468
Amsterdam, 2019-05-26
Letters from Genoa (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer) - 2016
"Brieven uit Genua", April 29th, 2015
Collection: Palace of the night
Tribute to: Pfeijffer, Ilja Leonard 

Zywa Passport Love

You have boundaries too, haven't you?
I do hear you, but I won't let you
in with your feelings, because
there is no room for them

You'll first have to win
enough love with me
as a passport, and even then
you may not get any further

than a waiting room
where you are spun in
by the sticky silk
of my own feelings

As a child, I have learned
that it certainly does not help
to start nagging or tickling
and that you'd better think

that I love you anyway

Poem 1942
Amsterdam, 2018-11-29
Collection: More

Zywa Lying in you

Lie in you
let me lie in you
lie in your body
as long as we wish, as long
as we want to

Not loose, not apart
when I think of that
I fall
to pieces
in my own arms, afraid

to reach out my hand
in bed in the middle of the night
and wake up forever
without you, without your
eyes and mouth

Poem 1693
Amsterdam, 2018-02-26
Hold me / In my sleep I reach out my hand (Hildegard Knef) - 1970
Songs "Halt mich fest" (1967, lyrics and vocals Hildegard Knef, music Hans Hammerschmid) and "Im Schlaf strecke ich meine Hand aus" (1970, lyrics and vocals Hildegard Knef, music Hermann Thieme)
Collection: More
Tribute to: Knef, Hildegard 

Zywa Not just

You can't just kiss me
in public for no reason
Should I cover my lips?
Are they too exposed
too red for you?

You can't just roll up
my shirt, unhook my bra
no matter how enjoying
my back arches
under your nails

You can't just undress me
if you feel like it
as if I feel the same
and it is allowed at all times
because I love you

You cannot just take for granted
how it goes, love remains
as it has begun
attentive and gentle
It has everything to lose

Poem 1456
Amsterdam, 2017-07-29
Collection: Eyes lips chest and belly

I did love you, I

walked around in your body --

and got lost in you.

Ik heb jou bemind,Ich hab dich geliebt,
ik liep rond in jouw lichaam --in deinem Körper lief ich --
verdwaalde in jou.verloren herum.

Poem H0667
Amsterdam, 2014-01-18
Listen (Hans Lodeizen) - 1949
Poem "Luister" (published in "De vrije bladen" ["The free papers"], 1949, volume 20, book 5)
Collection: Moist glow
Tribute to: Lodeizen, Hans 

I dream in the swing

of the wind to be caressed --

by hands of your heart.

Ik lig te dromenIch träume mit dir
in de schommel van de wind --im Schaukel des Windes, dass --
dat jouw hart mij streelt.dein Herz mich streichelt.

Poem H0591
Amsterdam, 2013-09-30
Letter from board (Hans Lodeizen) - 1949
Poem "Brief van boord" (published in "De vrije bladen" ["The free papers"], 1949, volume 20, book 5)
Collection: Moist glow
Tribute to: Lodeizen, Hans 

Love: intimacy
Attention is like sunshineMention © Zywa when using texts,
drawings, designs, paintings and photos
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