Just care for me, no

wishes, you'll have everything:

me and my hopping.

Wie om mij geeft, vraagtWer mich liebt, verlangt
me niets, hij heeft alles: mij --nichts von mir, er hat alles:
en mijn gehuppel.mich und mein Hüpfen.

Poem H5188
Amsterdam, 2025-01-20
The Saint of the Impossible (Arnon Grunberg) - 1998
Novella "De heilige Antonio", chapter 15
Collection: Loves Tricks Gains Pains in the 80s and 90s
Tribute to: Grunberg, Arnon 

Love is bigger than

two people, it's the Life Force --

it's something cosmic.

Liefde is groterLiebe ist größer
dan twee mensen: Levenskracht --als zwei Menschen: Lebenskraft --
een kosmische kracht.etwas Kosmisches.

Poem H4880
Amsterdam, 2024-08-26
The Black Prince (Iris Murdoch) - 1973
Comical novel, A Celebration of Love, part Two
Collection: Unspoken
Tribute to: Murdoch, Iris 

Zywa Extracted landscape

Drawn night, summer night
the sky above Montpellier
Venus, breath over hills
Nothing less than spring

Silver needles, delusion-less
and windless awake
right next to the waterfall

The springs steam with love
enraptured with love
atoms of love
Expressions, fragments

of we, elementary particles
mystical body, secret body
of this second

Poem 5554
Amsterdam, 2024-08-08
19 titles of poems from the collection "dagtekening van liefdesvormen" ("date stamp of love forms", 2024, Rozalie Hirs)
extracted landscape 2015, drawn night 1975, summer night 1982, the sky above montpellier 1983, venus 2010, breath over hills 1994, nothing less than spring 1969, silver needles 1981, delusion-less and windless awake 1986, right next to the waterfall 2008, the springs 2017, steam with love 1974, enraptured with love 1999, atoms of love 1974, expressions 1972, fragments of we 1978, elementary particles 2013, mystical body 2002, secret body of this second 2016

Collection: Mosaic virus
Tribute to: Hirs, Rozalie 

The living dead are

free of Time, their sufferings --

baptise them in Love.

Levende dodenLebende Tote
zijn vrij van de tijd, hun pijn --sind frei von der Zeit, ihr Schmerz --
doopt hen in Liefde.tauft sie in Liebe.

Poem S2186
Amsterdam, 2024-05-17
Shalimar the Clown (Salman Rushdie) - 2005
Novel, chapter Shalimar the Clown, § 1
Collection: Low gear
Tribute to: Rushdie, Salman 

The ecstatic heart-

brake in that opera song --

while we're having sex.

Het extatischeDas ekstatische
liefdesverdriet in dat lied --Herzeleid in diesem Lied --
terwijl wij vrijen.während wir schmusen.

Poem H4341
Amsterdam, 2023-12-06
The Balcony (Louise Glück) - 2000
Poem (collection "The Seven Ages")
Collection: Loves Tricks Gains Pains in the 0s
Tribute to: Glück, Louise 

No supermoon nor

a field of flowers, true love --

kisses dreary days.

Geen volle maan ofKein Vollmond oder
bloemenveld, echte liefde --Blumenfeld, wahre Liebe --
kust grauwe dagen.küsst graue Tage.

Poem H4323
Amsterdam, 2023-11-30
Darling (André Manuel) - 1996
Song "Lieveling" (album "Krang")
Collection: Loves Tricks Gains Pains in the 80s and 90s
Tribute to: Manuel, André 

So what, the grand prize,

I don't want it anymore --

because I have you.

Laat de hoofdprijs maar,Egal, der Hauptpreis,
ik wil hem niet meer hebben --ich will ihn schon nicht mehr, denn --
want nu heb ik jou.jetzt habe ich dich.

Poem H4209
Amsterdam, 2023-10-11
Satisfied (Dayna Kurtz) - 2002
Song (album "Postcards from downtown")
Collection: Loves Tricks Gains Pains in the 0s
Tribute to: Kurtz, Dayna 

Love is everything:

it is desire, connection --

regret, stubbornness.

Liefde is alles:Liebe ist alles:
verlangen, verbondenheid --Verlangen, Verbundenheit --
spijt en koppigheid.Bedauern, Sturheit.

Poem H3637
Amsterdam, 2023-01-01
Gallant creditor (Luigi Pirandello) - 1897
Story "Creditor galante"
Collection: Tardiness in Acceleration
Tribute to: Pirandello, Luigi 


is my love and exhausted --

you will go away.

OnvoorwaardelijkGanz bedingungslos
houd ik van jou, uitgeput --liebe ich dich, ganz erschöpft --
zul je vertrekken.wirst du fortgehen.

Poem S1561
Amsterdam, 2022-11-04
Not her (HoneyLove) - 2021
Text on AllPoetry.com
Collection: Bruises
Tribute to: Mayhew, Siera 

Zywa Blue butterflies

The blue butterflies live
on honey from the magic world
of changes -

the rain and shine
and the wing beats
of all the bodies

with more or less happiness
suffered injuries and tears
for unwelcome outcomes

I massage my aching belly
full of vampire moths
As long as I live

blue butterflies will
fly up from the womb
of my affection

Poem 4765
Amsterdam, 2022-10-28
"Butterfly effect" (enlarged reaction)
Vampire moth (Calyptra thalictri)

Collection: On living on [1]
Dedicated to: Maria Godschalk 

Watch out, love wants all

your attention and to go --

to bed in good time.

Pas op, de liefdeVorsicht, die Liebe
wil jouw totale aandacht --will alle Aufmerksamkeit --
en op tijd naar bed.und pünktlich ins Bett.

Poem S1439
Amsterdam, 2022-06-22
Idylls #12 (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer) - 2015
Poem (collection "Idyllen")
Collection: Palace of the night
Tribute to: Pfeijffer, Ilja Leonard 

The friction between

I am me and you are you --

is love and loveless.

De wrijving tussenDie Reibung zwischen
ik ben ik en jij bent jij --ich bin ich und du bist du --
is min en onmin.ist Lust und Unlust.

Poem H3280
Amsterdam, 2022-04-23
Collection: The drama

Zywa Love in the Wild West

In the amusement park, people
kiss a movie of love in the city
with music and some words
No sugar, pure
like espresso; an eyebrow
raised for a moment, says it all

A girl sways on roller skates
between the houses of cards
sand castles and factories
She gets priority
from staring drivers
who separate Romeo from Juliet
on either side of the street

and laugh at the pedestrians
they cut, they are fast
on their way to going crazy
thinking of a secret lover
hidden under the scars
of their lies

Poem 4234
Amsterdam, 2021-12-18
Once upon a time in the West (Mark Knopfler, Dire Straits) - 1979
"Once upon a time in the West" (1979, Dire Straits) and the albums "Making Movies" (1980, Dire Straits) and "Love Over Gold" (1984, Dire Straits)
Collection: Imprints Masks
Tribute to: Knopfler, Mark; Dire Straits 

We kiss on the beach,

our worries are blown away:

space for each other.

Kussend op het strand,Wir küssen am Strand,
waaien onze zorgen weg:Sorgen sind weggeblasen:
ruimte voor elkaar.Raum für einander.

Poem H3106
Egmond aan Zee, 2021-10-28
Collection: Without reserve

Loving you is light

and dark is the suffering --

that you share with me.

Van jou te houdenDich lieb zu haben
is licht, en donker is het --ist hell, und dunkel ist das --
lijden dat jij deelt.Leiden das du teilst.

Poem H2685
Amsterdam, 2020-04-12
Collection: Without reserve
Dedicated to: Maria Godschalk 

We just don't know that

much about Love, only That --

Love is All there is.

Zoveel weten weSo viel wissen wir
niet van Liefde, alleen Dat --nicht über Liebe, nur Dass --
Liefde Alles is.Liebe Alles Ist.

Poem H2629
Amsterdam, 2019-11-21
That Love is all there is (Emily Dickinson) - 1886
Poem, published in 1914
Collection: Tardiness in Acceleration
Tribute to: Dickinson, Emily 

If only love is

visible, what will be left --

to see of people?

Als alleen liefdeWenn nur die Liebe
zichtbaar is, wat zie je dan --sichtbar ist, was siehst du dann --
nog van de mensen?noch von den Menschen?

Poem S0858
Amsterdam, 2019-03-29
Collection: Metamorphic body

To love is trying

to fall, to swim and to fly --

while you're standing still.

Liefde is pogenLiebe: der Versuch,
te vallen, zwemmen, vliegen --zu fallen, schwimmen, fliegen --
tijdens het stilstaan.während man still steht.

Poem S0825
Amsterdam, 2019-01-13
Why is it (Hans Andreus) - 1958
Poem "Waarom is het" (collection "Zoon van Eros")
Collection: Loves Tricks Gains Pains in the 40s and 50s
Tribute to: Andreus, Hans 

Accept, narrow or

broad, the way of love, because --

it never will end.

Aanvaard, smal of breed,Ob schmal oder breit,
de weg van de liefde, want --geh den Weg der Liebe, denn --
die kent geen einde.er hat kein Ende.

Poem H2278
Vaison-la-Romaine, 2018-09-14
Ode 73 (Hafez) - 1350
Ghazal 73
Collection: Love Mind and Death
Tribute to: Hafez 

This hour and this day

are my own time, my own life --

to express my love.

Dit uur, deze dag,Stunden und Tagen
zijn mijn tijd en mijn leven --sind meine Zeit, mein Leben --
om lief te hebben.um zu lieben, jetzt.

Poem H2233
Amsterdam, 2018-06-25
A place to love (Toon Hermans) - 1967
Song "Een plek om lief te hebben"
Collection: SoulSenseSun
Tribute to: Hermans, Toon 

Zywa Love in and out

Afterwards I make up
what it was and is:
nothing to save
nothing at all to keep
only letting go what is

collected or locked up
in anxiety and pose -
my body connected in confidence
to the world, as good and as bad
as it is, that's all

In his warm hands
a gentle sun shone and in his words
I was safe, I felt no limits
but love flowing in and out
of my full glory

Poem 1587
Amsterdam, 2017-10-29
Collection: Without reserve

There is no escape:

the whole world is entangled --

in the snares of love.

Ontsnappen kan niet:Da entkommt niemand:
heel de wereld is verward --die ganze Welt ist verstrickt --
in liefdesstrikken.in Liebesschlingen.

Poem S0520
Ufhusen, 2017-08-23
Diary 1954-1957 (Frida Vogels) - 2005
"Dagboek 1954-1957", thought based on an old Chinese poem - March 25th, 1956 in Luxemburg
Collection: Trench Walking
Tribute to: Vogels, Frida 

Zywa Only everything

If I only have love
when I meet you
I have everything

to exist
to say
and be safe

If I am love
I bear death
and the pain, my tears

flow around
the world and together
we can be happy

Poem 1506
Amsterdam, 2017-08-09
When you only have love (Jacques Brel) - 1956
Song "Quand on n'a que l'amour"
Collection: The Big Secret
Tribute to: Brel, Jacques 

Zywa Love is now

Love is now
it does not measure with the past

Love is timeless
it knows neither profit nor loss

Love is precious
it does not wrong anyone

Love is nonviolent
it does not harm anyone

Love is free
it does not hope for later

Love is now

Poem 1478
Amsterdam, 2017-08-02
Collection: The Big Secret

Zywa Peeing stars on the moon

I want to eat pies, be full and be fine
spray sand, barefoot drawing a squiggly line

pull kite ribbons, on top of the dune
eat cherries with the birds, in the afternoon

pick mushrooms in the forest, together
just sing and take a nap on the heather

race on a horse, my hair loose and proud
dream heavenly, not afraid of any cloud

stand in the surf like a buccaneer
lovingly beat the demons you fear

pee stars on the moon, further and further
in the fen and ever, ever go on together

ever go on together

Poem 1192
Amsterdam, 2017-03-11
Collection: Moons

Zywa And now everything

They couldn't see me anymore
I was gone, free
for my best years

And then the overtimes
the satisfaction
of existing

And now peace and a little
colour are enough, your eyes
caring on me

I do not hide
I will not leave
I don't wish to be free

Poem 888
Amsterdam, 2016-12-12
Collection: On living on [1]

Zywa If love is everything

   If love is everything
and the only condition
at the end of the journey
that is our love

   If love is everything
ours, the love of you and me
it never has an end
a light in the dark

   If love is everything
where you stay, where you go
if parting doesn't exist
no sadness, no missing

   If love is everything
to understand each other
and then go on
that creates meaning

   If love is everything
what we have said
our words sincere
as a confession

   If love is everything
that you grant everyone
and can give yourself
as your testimony

   If love is everything
finding her spontaneously
and then connecting
people in their history

   If love is everything
where everybody fits in
you are holding in your hand
the whole world

Poem 833
Amsterdam, 2016-11-16
When you only have love (Jacques Brel) - 1957
Lied "Quand on n'a que l'amour"
Collection: Without reserve

Love wants to explore

the whole world together, and --

likes to live at home.

Liefde wil samenLiebe will die Welt
heel de wereld ontdekken --zusammen entdecken, und --
en ze woont graag thuis.zu Hause leben.

Poem H1554
Vaison-la-Romaine, 2016-10-11
Collection: Migration

experience eternal energy
I too experience eternity of time

I live in the flow of energy:
I feel that I am part of an energy flow
I move with the energy flow
I surrender to the eternal energy

Love: is all
Attention is like sunshineMention © Zywa when using texts,
drawings, designs, paintings and photos
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