Yay, the organ pipes

cheerfully and vibrantly --

run off with Bach's notes.

De orgelpijpenDie Orgelpfeifen
gaan met de noten van Bach --brennen fröhlich und frei durch --
vrolijk aan de haal.mit den Noten Bachs.

Poem H5055
Amsterdam, 2024-11-09
The well-tuned clavier (Johann Sebastian Bach / John Kameel Farah) - 2024
Preludes from Bach's "Das wohltemperierte Klavier" (AD 1722 en 1740-1742), adapted by John Kameel Farah and performed by him in the Organpark on November 9th, 2024, on organs, synthesizers and piano
Collection: org anp ARK 
Composers: Bach, Johann Seb.; Farah, John Kameel 

Playfully we sing

pieces of Bro John's canon --

R-r R-r R.

Stukjes Vader JaWir singen Teile
zingen we speels als canon --von Bruder Ja als Kanon --
Ja-ja Ja-ja Ja.Ja-ja Ja-ja Ja.

Poem H4954
Amsterdam, 2024-10-04
In C (Terry Riley) - 1964
Composition (arrangement Sinta Wullur), performed in the Organpark by Gamelan ensemble Global Gongs and Henk Verhoef (organ), on October 4th, 2024
Children's song "Frère Jacques" ("Brother John"
"Are you sleeping?", 18th century)

Collection: org anp ARK 
Composer: Riley, Terry 

It's a merry day,

we dance on the earth organ:

feet full of music.

Een vrolijke dag,Ein fröhlicher Tag,
dansend op het aardorgel:tanzend auf der Erdorgel:
voeten vol muziek.Füße sind Musik.

Poem H4558
Amsterdam, 2024-03-15
Velocities (Moto Perpetuo) (Joseph Schwantner) - 1990
Composition for marimba, performed in the Organpark on March 15th, 2024 by Tomasz Herisz - Tatiana Koleva calls the marimba an earth-organ
Collection: org ANP ark 
Composer: Schwantner, Joseph 

With dry pods and bags

filled with granules we're rising --

little whirls of wind.

Met dorre peulenMit trocknen Schoten
en zandzakjes steken we --und Kornsäcken zeugen wir --
warrelwindjes op.kleine Windwirbel.

Poem H4511
Amsterdam, 2024-02-10
Wind Horse - 2 (Pauline Oliveros) - 1962
"Deep Listening"
Composition "Wind Horse - 2", performed in the Organpark on February 10th, 2024, by ensemble MAZE, with participation of the audience

Collection: org ANP ark 
Composer: Oliveros, Pauline 

A new notation:

each organ pipe is a dot --

in its own colour.

Een nieuw notenschrift:Neues Notenschrift:
elke pijp een bolletje --jede Pfeife ist ein Punkt --
in zijn eigen kleur.in seiner Farbe.

Poem H4240
Amsterdam, 2023-10-21
Videos (Ivan Bozicevic) - 2022
Videos with the compositions "Organic Steam" and "Rather the Long Flight" for computer-controlled organ, and video using the Music Animation Machine, developed by Stephen Malinowski; performed by Ivan Bozicevic in the Organpark on October 21st, 2023
Collection: org ANP ark 
Composer: Bozicevic, Ivan 

The music can't go

bad, so everyone enjoys --

beating his heart out.

De muziek kan nietDie Musik kann nicht
stuk, dus iedereen mag er --schlecht werden, also darf man --
lekker op losslaan.schön drauflosschlagen.

Poem H3718
Amsterdam, 2023-02-11
BAC - II (Gilius van Bergeijk) - 1970
Composition for barrel organ, performed by the Busy Drone in the Organpark on February 11th, 2023
The adagio of BWV 1060 (from 1730) arranged for barrel organ, omitting the echoes played by the oboe after the violin passages

Collection: org ANP ark 
Composers: Van Bergeijk, Gilius; Bach, Johann Seb. 

The imagery

is empty, yet gracefully --

the rose floats away.

De beeldspraak is loos,Leere Bildsprache,
maar de roos draait en danst mooi --trotzdem dreht und tanzt er schön --
terwijl ze wegdrijft.der Mohn, der wegtreibt.

Poem H3686
Amsterdam, 2023-01-28
A flower (Henri Sauguet) - 1985
Composition "Une fleur", for alto saxophone and piano, performed in the Organpark on January 28th, 2023, by Arno Bornkamp (alto saxophone) and Leo van Doeselaar (piano)
Collection: org ANP ark 
Composer: Sauguet, Henri 

Seemingly weightless,

a flying saucer dances --

light-footed on air.

Schijnbaar gewichtloosScheinbar schwerelos
danst een vliegende schotel --tanzt ein riesiges Ufo --
lichtvoetig op lucht.leichtfüßig auf Luft.

Poem H3661
Amsterdam, 2023-01-14
(Paul Hindemith) - 1930
Composition for Trautonium, performed in the Organpark by Peter Pichler on January 14th, 2023
Collection: org ANP ark 
Composer: Hindemith, Paul 

A pitter-patter

race, regardless whatever --

will fall to pieces.

VoetengetrappelEin Fußgetrampel
om het snelst, ongeacht wat --um die Wette, rücksichtslos --
er kapot zal gaan.ob was brechen wird.

Poem S1576
Amsterdam, 2022-11-26
and then nothing turned itself inside-out (Isaac Barzso) - 2022
Composition for hyperorgan (2022, Isaac Barzso), performed by him on November 26th, 2022 in the Organpark
Collection: org ANP ark 
Composer: Barzso, Isaac 

It's all about fun,

and skilfulness, oh, no sex!

Forget the words!

Het gaat om plezier,Es dreht sich um Spaß,
en bekwaamheid, oh, geen seks!und Kompetenz, oh, kein Sex!
Vergeet de woorden!Vergiss die Worte!

Poem H3264
Amsterdam, 2022-04-08
Frank Zappa Tribute band "2000 Motels" (Q-Factory in Amsterdam, April 8th, 2022)
Don't mind the vulgar lyrics

Collection: WoofWoof
Tribute to: Zappa, Frank 
Composer: Zappa, Frank 
Dedicated to: Valentina Bruno 

The carillon plays,

tone after tone is leaping --

lightly over me.

Het carillon speelt,Das Carillon spielt,
toon na toon springt lichtvoetig --Ton nach Ton springt leichtfüßig --
hoog over mij heen.über die Leute.

Poem H3147
Amsterdam, 2021-12-15
Collection: Summer birds

Little waterfalls

along my long steps, hear this --

music fantasy.

WatervalletjesWasserfällchen ent-
langs mijn lange passen: een --lang meiner langen Schritte:

Poem H3125
Amsterdam, 2021-11-12
Through the looking glass - 275 VWB (Hans Koolmees) - 2021
The beginning of the retrograde Fantasie in G-Dur (JS Bach)
Performed in the Organpark on November 12th, 2021
Jelte Althuis (bass clarinet) and Henny Heikens (organ)

Collection: ORG anp ark 
Composer: Koolmees, Hans 

In Café Welling,

musicians are slaloming --

around each other.

In Café WellingIm Café spielen
slalommen de muzikanten --Musiker lustig Slalom --
speels om elkaar heen.umeinander rum.

Poem H3068
Amsterdam, 2021-10-16
WWW in W (Theo Loevendie) - 2021
Performed in the Organpark on October 16th, 2021 and January 25th, 2025
Jazz in Café Welling near the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam

Collection: ORG anp ark 
Composer: Loevendie, Theo 

Zywa Twistering

There is always something going on
but what can I do about it?

Dancing on the pedals
I already have to pull
in and out so many registrations
hammering the deliberate
score parade on 168 keys

I twister the best years
of my life, it's a treat
I don't want to miss
Yes, have a look
at my bald spot, do dream
indecent thoughts

I persevere
and you are out

Poem 965
Amsterdam, 2017-01-20
Thomas Trotter playing in the Organpark
Collection: ORG anp ark 

The pipes are playing

a peekaboo, chase and tag --

in the house of God.

De pijpen spelenDie Pfeifen spielen
kiekeboe en tikkertje --Kuckuck und Kettenfangen --
in het huis van God.in dem Haus Gottes.

Poem H0006
Amsterdam, 2011-10-21
Ben van Oosten plays pieces by J.S. Bach in the Organpark on October 21st, 2011
Collection: ORG anp ark 
Composer: Bach, Johann Seb. 


Beek (Berg en Dal), 1977-01-02
Gloss paint
Collection: Summer birds

Music: playful
Attention is like sunshineMention © Zywa when using texts,
drawings, designs, paintings and photos
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