The old man watches

the bathing girl in the lake --

and the sun goes down.

De oude man kijktDer alte Mann schaut
naar het meisje in het meer --nach die Frau im See, und die --
De zon gaat onder.Sonne geht unter.

Poem H4898
Amsterdam, 2024-09-05
Song of the Lake (Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds) - 2024
Song, album "Wild God"
Collection: Stall
Tribute to: Cave, Nick 

Zywa Younger elderly

You see yourself being
pushed to the margins
where the past piles up
and is pushed over the edge

Tangible, smell-able gasoline
becomes a hidden current
and the news also
no longer flows in fixed channels

Times are changing
more than you do, you no longer participate
in everything and you start to doubt
causes and consequences

Those who are duped are out of luck
Compensations are always pending
you have to make do with what you have
count your blessings and be happy

that younger generations know how
to find their way in the world
that you helped to lubricate, somewhere
in a dot on Earth

Poem 5557
Amsterdam, 2024-08-09
At the painting "Gas" (1940, Edward Hopper), which is on the cover of the novel "L'Affaire Alaska Sanders" (The Alaska Sanders Affair, 2022, Joël Dicker) - in that book appears the phrase: 'the compensation is always pending'
Collection: Webgarden
Tribute to: Hirs, Rozalie 
Dedicated to: Pieter W 

Women on the beach.

I keep looking at those three --

accordion bags.

Vrouwen op het strand.Ich schaue sie an,
Ik blijf kijken naar die drie --die Frauen am Strand, diese --
geplooide zakken.drei Faltenbeutel.

Poem H4107
Amsterdam, 2023-09-05
It is true (Antjie Krog) - 2006
Poem "Dit is waar" (collection "Verweerskrif" ["Body bereft"])
Collection: Stall
Tribute to: Krog, Antjie 

More and more I am

watching old people, so close --

the abyss is now.

Ik let steeds meer opIch gebe mehr Acht
oude mensen, zo dichtbij --auf alten Menschen, so nah --
is de afgrond der Abgrund schon.

Poem H4108
Amsterdam, 2023-09-05
It is true (Antjie Krog) - 2006
Poem "Dit is waar" (collection "Verweerskrif" ["Body bereft"])
Collection: Stall
Tribute to: Krog, Antjie 

Much stupidity,

the older you get, the more --

you recognise it.

Er is veel domheid,Es gibt viel Dummheit,
hoe ouder je wordt, hoe meer --je älter man wird, desto --
je dat onderkent.mehr man das erkennt.

Poem S1725
Amsterdam, 2023-04-04
Collection: The drama

Getting old, no time

anymore to keep order --

in what I witness.

Oud worden, geen tijdAltern, keine Zeit
meer om orde te houden --mehr um Ordnung zu halten --
in wat ik was mir passiert.

Poem S1717
Amsterdam, 2023-03-27
The Office - Failure (Han Voskuil) - 2000
Novel "Het Bureau - Afgang"
Page 260, Maarten Koning, Frans Veen and Nicolien Koning (1984)

Collection: Not too bad
Tribute to: Voskuil, Han 

Other people seem

to be getting more childish --

as I get older.

Andere mensenAndere Leute
lijken kinderachtiger --erscheinen kindischer, je --
nu ik ouder word.älter ich werde.

Poem H3747
Amsterdam, 2023-03-03
The Office - And melancholy, too (Han Voskuil) - 1999
Novel "Het Bureau - En ook weemoedigheid"
Page 311-312, Maarten Koning gives a farewell speech for museum director Ko Kassies (1980)

Collection: Not too bad
Tribute to: Voskuil, Han 

Zywa Until the reception calls

Out of fashion, out-dated
there's no help for it, so let me be
unattractive, rejected
because I show myself so conspicuously
and attract attention needlessly

That's how I'm seen. I am seen
and the whispering amuses me
although nobody talks to me

And you let me wait again
until the reception calls
that you are there

So I just sit here
looking out the window
I am used to it, there is nothing to see
at the back of the hotel
and it is getting dark

You always were impatient
My make-up took too long for you
and you sat angry in the car

but if I behaved exactly
the way you had conceived
you could really be sweet

Poem 4813
Amsterdam, 2022-11-13
Hotel Window (Edward Hopper) - 1956
Collection: NightWatch
Tribute to: Hopper, Edward 

Zywa My #eot

The sky is burning, mists
push forward, the signs tilt down --
Everyone lives longer

than the world in which he grew up
He has to withdraw
or change

The watchtower is unmanned
dogs whine in the distance
This city may no longer exist

as it was, its theaters
have been declared unnecessary
The last players watch

but now it is real
they find it difficult to enjoy
the beauty of the downfall

that, since hundreds of generations
has been flattening glorious empires
to heroic stories

Who will, without self-interest
sing the praises of the good
that I have known?

Poem 4088
Amsterdam, 2021-11-01
Sunset on the Railway (Edward Hopper) - 1929
Collection: Greeting from before
Tribute to: Hopper, Edward 

The older I get,

the more beautiful is life --

in the younger years.

Hoe ouder ik word,Ich werde älter
hoe mooier het leven is --das Leben junger Leute --
van jonge mensen.wird immer schöner.

Poem H2530
Amsterdam, 2019-07-19
Letter 12 about ethics to Lucilius (Lucius Annaeus Seneca) - 62
Letter 12
Collection: Inwardings
Tribute to: Seneca, Lucius Annaeus 

The professor's book

is discounted, outdated --

at his retirement.

Het boek van de profDas Buch des Prof ist
is afgeprijsd, verouderd --rabattiert, veraltet seit --
bij zijn pensioen.seinem Ruhestand.

Poem S0541
Amsterdam, 2017-10-01
Diary 1960-1961 (Frida Vogels) - 2006
"Dagboek 1960-1961", April 25th, 1961 in Amsterdam
Collection: Trench Walking
Tribute to: Vogels, Frida 

Zywa Mother's Day

There is quite some wind
the woman on the corner pulls her dog

She comes back again
for the rest an empty street, no visitors yet

The children do not call
there is no need to, if they come

for a good time, not being too busy
And there is no point

in saying anything about it
Maybe they are on the way

Could I have forgotten something?
The cookies are ready

the curtains are washed
there is no stain on my dress

Poem 1373
Amsterdam, 2017-05-23
Mother's Day (Marcel van Roosmalen) - 2017
Column "Moederdag" in, May 15th, 2017
Collection: Greeting from before
Tribute to: Van Roosmalen, Marcel 

Zywa The picture

With wide arms I listen
With hands full of green ears
Polyphonic whispers of fluff
Fine traces of sound
on the bench

A woman and her daughter
look around, the girl stares
and says with wobbling legs

I'll be a mum just like you
with a daddy and a child
who thinks this is the most beautiful place
of all, the whole world, the universe


The girl plays with a ball
pulls a flake of my bark
asks: is your name scratched in it?
What is he old, isn't he, triple thick I think
and those lumps, would he be sick?

Her mother laughs and takes the picture
she wished to have had of herself:
the girl, and I incognito

not as wise, not as full
high and wide
of past as I am now
and smaller than what I know
of all the people

who caressed me
of all the wishes
they shared with me

Poem 1046
Amsterdam, 2017-02-20
Collection: Metamorphic body

Zywa 40 years

Only with shorter lifetimes
can you say: 40 years is enough
for the new beginning

that you grant the grandchildren
but we want to continue
observing the game

from the sideline, occasionally
throwing a ball into the field or raise
a flag from our conscience

Interim scores we do not collect
They change and lose
their assigned meanings quickly

We wave to the grandchildren
in their prime of life
and make ourselves comfortable

in each other, with whole and half pills
we celebrate our overtime
after the injury time, their beginning

Poem 989
Egmond aan Zee, 2017-02-02
Wedding anniversary
Collection: Life line 

Zywa The trees are falling

We have ordered musicians
but can we pay them?
Give them some tea

     Listen, the trees are falling
     Lovely, the sound of axes
     cutting down the orchard

     The times are changing
     Play! I want to celebrate!
     You can leave after that

I don't know, I want to go
Why have we grown so old?
I remember everybody

was happy, without knowing
why, didn't we discuss it
time after time! It is over

We'll die anyway
while life goes on
as if we have never lived

Poem 382
Amsterdam, 2015-03-19
The Cherry Orchard (Anton Chekhov) - 1904
Collection: Half The Work
Tribute to: Chechov, Anton 

Old age: watching
Attention is like sunshineMention © Zywa when using texts,
drawings, designs, paintings and photos
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