Land-protection with

a wide gully: ullage tide --

silts up sand, shallows.

Het land beschermenDas Vorland schützen
met een brede geul: wantij --mit einer breiten Rinne --
slibt zand aan, een wad.macht das Wattenhoch.

Poem H5165
Amsterdam, 2025-01-15
Collection: Half The Work


reproduce and multiply --

by cell division!

vermenigvuldigen zich --vermehren sich tatsächlich --
zowaar door deling!einfach durch Teilung!

Poem H4942
De Koog, 2024-09-26
Abscond (Renate Dorrestein) - 1986
Novel "Noorderzon", chapter 3 - Arithmetic
Collection: Break
Tribute to: Dorrestein, Renate 

Taking a rash risk

after consideration --

may that be courage?

onbezonnen risico's --Risiken mit Bedacht ein-
nemen, is dat moed?gehen, ist das Mut?

Poem H4732
Amsterdam, 2024-06-23
The Enchantress of Florence (Salman Rushdie) - 2008
Novel, part 1, chapter 6
Collection: Low gear
Tribute to: Rushdie, Salman 

Atman is real Self,

it is breath, the changing life --

It never changes.

De adem is hetDer Atem ist das
veranderlijke leven --veränderliche Leben --

Poem H4691
Amsterdam, 2024-06-12
Victory City (Salman Rushdie) - 2023
Novel "Victory City" [Vijayanagar >> Bisnaga, based on Fatehpur Sikri ('Victory City', near Agra), the capital of Emperor Abdul-Fath Jalaluddin 'Akbar' (= 'the Great' >> 'Akbar the Great')], part 1 Birth, chapter 8 - Brahman and Atman
Collection: Low gear
Tribute to: Rushdie, Salman 

Zywa The paradox of fertility

To understand ourselves is
to understand our paradoxes -
that it is all real
consistent and sincere
without inner contradiction

Our youth lasts longer
we are fertile for longer
so we live longer
the earth becomes crowded
the silver tsunami reduces prosperity
and we contend with a lack of space

We fight for interventions
to prevent
pregnancies and overpopulation
and we believe less and less
in the fairy tale of the desire
to have children

Immortality lures
us to recombinant
techniques to recreate
ourselves in our image
and likeness

Poem 5339
Amsterdam, 2023-10-16
Biotechnology: recombinant DNA
Genesis 1:26-27

Collection: The Praised One

Magic requires that

you see exactly what's there:

real reality.

Magie vereist datMagie erfordert,
je precies ziet wat er is:dass man gut sieht, was da ist:
de werkelijkheid.die Realität.

Poem H3261
Amsterdam, 2022-04-06
Major Decoster's film archive (Hubert Lampo) - 1992
Story "Het filmarchief van majoor Decoster" (collection "Schemertijdmuziek")
Collection: No wonder
Tribute to: Lampo, Hubert 

An automatic

door for everything that moves --

is closed still open.

deuren voor wat er beweegt --Türen: immer geschlossen --
zijn dicht ook open.und zugleich offen.

Poem S1382
Amsterdam, 2022-04-04
Collection: Half The Work

Zywa In love's shoes

On good days I am not alone
Then love walks along, a step
aside is easily done, as though
I walk in love's shoes

and feel and know
what love would do, love that
does understand the other

and loves everyone equally
in a neutral, unjustly neutral way

because love is so much greater than we are

So, on good days I walk
in different shoes, I look
with different eyes and I feel
with a different, greater heart

which has room for all kind of things
that people do without love -
as people are: humane

and that is not redundant
no tautology or pleonasm

but a paradox

Poem 2244
Amsterdam, 2019-05-18
Collection: I am

Isn't it amusing:

I'm famous for my CV --

of poignant failures.

Een grap: beroemd zijnEin Witz: berühmt sein
zoals ik door mijn CV --wegen meines Lebenslaufs --
van mislukkingen.von Misserfolgen.

Poem S0859
Amsterdam, 2019-03-31
CV of failures (Johannes Haushofer) - 2016
Collection: Specialities
Tribute to: Haushofer, Johannes 

I'm a bend, bending

the road to the right and left --


Ik ben een soort bocht,Ich bin die Kurve,
die de weg gelijktijdig --die die Straße gleichzeitig --
naar rechts en links buigt.nach rechts und links biegt.

Poem H2193
Amsterdam, 2018-06-18
A Frisian does not cry (Gerrit Krol) - 1980
Novel "Een Fries huilt niet", chapter 6.1
Collection: Appearances
Tribute to: Krol, Gerrit 

Zywa Paradox

Around the corner I visit Koan Float
because I could have been floating
between thriving bodies in the Dead Sea
at the deepest point
of the earth's crust but
I rather expose me completely
to sensory death
with the koan that my essence is
that there's no essence anywhere

Floating I practice ukizen
looking like a man with clear vision
who carries out a careful research
I delete every sideshow till the core
remains I start to find out
internally who and what I am
again and again until I know the truth
and my head has caught fire
of longing for what is eternal

But the water overcomes the fire
wipes away the shapes of my body preservation
with some reflections ripples salt
eats my flesh but lets me live
in a sarcophagus my mind keeps hovering
over emptiness I breathe upon nature
and experience enlightened the adventure
of the koan to float disembodied
that essentially no one can describe

Poem 1081
Amsterdam, 2017-02-25
Collection: WoofWoof

I don't see, don't hear,

I don't smell, don't taste, don't feel --

I float bodyless.

Ik zie en hoor niets,Nichts sehen, hören,
ik ruik niets, proef niets, voel niets --nichts riechen, schmecken, fühlen --
ik drijf lichaamloos.körperlos schweben.

Poem H0011
Amsterdam, 2011-11-18
Koan (in a salt water cabin, February 19th, 2011)
Collection: Life line 

Attention is like sunshineMention © Zywa when using texts,
drawings, designs, paintings and photos
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