He overstrains his

voice, what a clownish display!

People fall silent.

Hij overschreeuwt zich,Er überschreit sich,
wat een potsierlijk vertoon!wie possierlich das nun ist!
Iedereen valt stil.Alle verstummen.

Poem S2440
Amsterdam, 2024-11-02
Fantasia and fugue on B.A.C.H. (Max Reger) - 1900
Composition "Phantasie und Fuge über B.A.C.H." (opus 46) for organ, performed by Cor van Wageningen in the Organpark on November 2nd, 2024 (Sauer-organ)
Collection: org anp ARK 
Composer: Reger, Max 

The anointed priest

is adorned with energy:

twelve precious gemstones.

De hogepriesterDer Hohepriester
is getooid met energie:ist mit Energie geschmückt:
twaalf edelstenen.zwölf Edelsteine.

Poem H4917
De Koog, 2024-09-16
Gut Symmetries (Jeanette Winterson) - 1997
Novel; Gut = Grand unified theory), chapter The Star - Stella (Sarah)
The priestly breastplate (Israel)

Collection: Specialities
Tribute to: Winterson, Jeanette 

The palace houses

parties, madness, betrayal --

Still it does remain.

Het paleis huisvestIm Palast wohnen
feesten, waanzin en verraad --Feier, Wahnsinn und Verrat --
Toch blijft het bestaan.Dennoch besteht es.

Poem S2128
Amsterdam, 2024-02-14
The Golden House (Salman Rushdie) - 2017
Novel, chapter (1-) 6
Collection: Low gear
Tribute to: Rushdie, Salman 

Killing people and

leaving them in the streets day --

after day to rot.

Mensen vermoordenMenschen ermorden
en hen dag na dag op straat --und sie dann auf der Straße --
laten verrotten.verrotten lassen.

Poem S2040
Amsterdam, 2023-12-08
Antigone (Sophocles) - -442
Terror of gangs and regimes

Collection: PumicePieces
Tribute to: Sophokles 

He is trying so hard

that he doesn't realise he --

makes no impression.

Hij doet zo zijn best,Er gibt sich Mühe
dat hij niet doorheeft dat hij --und merkt deshalb nicht, dass er --
juist geen indruk maakt.keinen Eindruck macht.

Poem S1665
Amsterdam, 2023-02-08
The Office - The A.P. Beerta Institute (Han Voskuil) - 1998
Novel "Het Bureau - Het A.P. Beerta-Instituut"
Page 439, Maarten Koning and Jaap Balk (1976)

Collection: Not too bad
Tribute to: Voskuil, Han 

It is threatening,

a gigantic shadow falls --

over the frontier.

Het is bedreigend,Es ist bedrohlich,
er valt een grote schaduw --ein riesiger Schatten fällt --
over de landsgrens.über die Grenze.

Poem S1642
Amsterdam, 2023-01-18
The smile of the sphinx (Ingeborg Bachmann) - 1949
Story "Das Lächeln der Sphinx" (Wiener Tageszeitung, 1949)
Collection: Within the walls
Tribute to: Bachmann, Ingeborg 

He is so holy!

Wine on his lips instantly --

turns into water!

Hij is zo heilig,Er ist so heilig!
dat de wijn aan zijn lippen --Der Wein auf seinen Lippen --
meteen water wordt!wird zu Wasser!

Poem S1570
Amsterdam, 2022-11-17
The Satanic Verses (Salman Rushdie) - 1988
Novel, chapter IV. Aisha
Collection: Low gear
Tribute to: Rushdie, Salman 


none of them dares to play yet --

because the drum beats.

niemand durft te gaan spelen --keiner traut sich zu spielen --
omdat de trom slaat.weil die Trommel schlägt.

Poem S1379
Amsterdam, 2022-04-03
No movement (Jan van de Putte) - 2019
Composition "Keine Bewegung", performed by Orkest de Ereprijs and Katharina Gross (cello) on April 3rd, 2022 in the Organpark
Collection: ORG anp ark 
Composer: Van de Putte, Jan 

A cacophony,

the audience freezes, great --

we play the boss here.

Een kakofonie,Die Kakophonie
het publiek verstart, heerlijk --versteift das Publikum, toll --
wij zijn hier de baas.wir spielen den Chef.

Poem S1380
Amsterdam, 2022-04-03
No movement (Jan van de Putte) - 2019
Composition "Keine Bewegung", performed by Orkest de Ereprijs and Katharina Gross (cello) on April 3rd, 2022 in the Organpark
Collection: ORG anp ark 
Composer: Van de Putte, Jan 

The flags are blowing:

a miserable view, these --

ostentatious flags.

Er waaien vlaggen:Die Flaggen wehen:
een treurig gezicht, deze --kein schöner Anblick, diese --
verkeerde vlaggen.verkehrte Flaggen.

Poem S1319
Amsterdam, 2022-01-26
Collection: PumicePieces

Having a stare-down,

as if the other is wrong --

sitting on your seat.

Elkaar aanstarenWir starren uns an,
alsof de ander fout is --als säßen die Anderen --
en op jouw stoel zit.auf unsren Sitzen.

Poem S1153
Amsterdam, 2021-03-28
It melts (Lize Spit) - 2016
Novel "Het smelt", July 15th, 2002
Collection: Shelter
Tribute to: Spit, Lize 

After our argument

he points to a comet: there!

where I see nothing.

Na onze ruzieNach dem Streit zeigt er
wijst hij naar een komeet: daar!auf einen Kometen: da!
waar ik weer niets zie.wo ich nichts sehe.

Poem S0932
Amsterdam, 2019-09-21
Comet (James Salter) - 2005
Story (collection "Last Night")
Collection: Loves Tricks Gains Pains in the 0s

Play the waiting game,

scan each other silently:

brainstorming session?

In afwachting zijn,In Erwartung sein,
elkaar zwijgend aftasten:einander still abtasten:
samen brainstormen?Gedankenaustausch?

Poem S0913
Amsterdam, 2019-07-09
Grand Hotel Europa (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer) - 2018
Collection: Palace of the night
Tribute to: Pfeijffer, Ilja Leonard 

Well, in the army

you inflate yourself and then --

of course you will rise.

Militaire dienst:Im Militärdienst
jezelf opblazen en dan --bläst man sich groß auf und dann --
vanzelf omhoog gaan.geht man von selbst hoch.

Poem S0748
Amsterdam, 2018-06-18
A Frisian does not cry (Gerrit Krol) - 1980
Novel "Een Fries huilt niet", chapter 2.5
Collection: On the fly
Tribute to: Krol, Gerrit 

The mandatory:

surrounded by wall and moat --

of grey eminence.

De plaatsvervanger:Der Stellvertreter:
omgeven door wal en gracht --umgeben von Graben und --
van hoogwaardigheid.Mauern der Würde.

Poem S0658
Train Amsterdam-Brussels, 2018-01-10
Green (Albert Alberts) - 1952
Story "Groen", collection "De Eilanden" ("The Islands")
Collection: Specialities
Tribute to: Alberts, Albert 

Zywa Holy holy holy

It's almost impossible to get through
He hardly barely see
doesn't even know he's walking

Under the heavy royal clothes
his back lies open, even worse
than his face with the wound

where an ear has been struck off
A living dead, for ever
holy for his Striving

Men push forward, they attack
the platoon with a lot of noise. No chance
Only a few soldiers are killed

At the Skull Pit, the women watch
the king's lashing
his broken nose against the wood

the deep gashes in his back
in plain sight: a man
you can't call him anymore

The soldiers curse him and
the other two for the slaughter
They cast dice for his gold-

embroidered robe and his shirt
even though it is stiff clotted red
His cloak they tear into pieces

for the winners of fate
Quite soon, he suffocates
His father comes to get him

Poem 1231
Amsterdam, 2017-03-19
Jesus (Jerusalem) - 30
Ecce homo (behold the man)
Isaiah 6:3, Luke 23:27, Psalm 22:19

Collection: The King

In the golden dress

of the palace city, we --

poor rats are smothered.

In de gouden jurkIm goldenen Kleid
van de paleisstad gestikt:der Palaststadt erstickt, ach --
wij arme ratten.wir arme Ratten.

Poem S0293
Konstanz, 2015-06-19
La Superba (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer) - 2013

Collection: Palace of the night
Tribute to: Pfeijffer, Ilja Leonard 

A gale bumps and beats

branches away, gates open --

bears into their caves.

Stormwind botst en slaatSturmwind stößt und schlägt
takken weg, hekken open --Zweigen weg, Zäune offen --
beren in hun hol.Bären in Höhlen.

Poem H0189
De Cocksdorp, 2012-02-01
Collection: Without reserve

Power: demonstration
Attention is like sunshineMention © Zywa when using texts,
drawings, designs, paintings and photos
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