My house with air con,

without the sweaty heat it --

is much more spacious.

Mijn huis heeft airco,Klimaanlage,
zonder de klamme hitte --ohne klamme Hitze ist --
is het veel geräumiger.

Poem H5004
Amsterdam, 2024-10-24
I kiss your hands a thousand times - Faxing to Ger #6 (Nicolien Mizee) - 2024
Diary novel "Ik kus uw handen duizendmaal - Faxen aan Ger #6", August 30th, 2000
Collection: Out of place
Tribute to: Mizee, Nicolien 

I prefer open

structures, not old age, closing --

up more and more things.

Ik houd van openIch mag offene
structuren, geen ouderdom --Strukturen, kein Alter, das --
die steeds meer afsluit.immer mehr verschließt.

Poem H3986
Amsterdam, 2023-07-29
The PowerBook (Jeanette Winterson) - 2000
Novel, chapter "NEW DOCUMENT"
Collection: Stream
Tribute to: Winterson, Jeanette 

I'm cleaning up plans

and pass my supplies of things --

on to new users.

Ik ruim plannen opIch räume Pläne
en geef mijn voorraad spullen --und gebe meinen Vorrat --
door aan gebruikers.weiter an Nutzer.

Poem H3070
Amsterdam, 2021-10-16
Collection: Greeting from before
Dedicated to: Maria Godschalk 

Finished, desk empty,

there's nothing on it at all --

just my lower arms.

Klaar, een leeg bureau,Fertig, ein leerer
er ligt helemaal niets op --Schreibtisch, es liegt nichts darauf --
alleen mijn handen.nur meine Hände.

Poem H2477
Vlissingen, 2019-06-04
Maurits and the facts (Gerrit Krol) - 1986
Novel "Maurits en de feiten", § 19
Collection: Skin-contact
Tribute to: Krol, Gerrit 

Sounding the unknown,

with resonating echoes --

in my arteries.

Het onbekendeDas Unbekannte
peilen, echo's trillen mee --sondieren: Echos hallen --
in mijn meinen Adern.

Poem H2229
Amsterdam, 2018-06-23
Electro Symphonic Orchestra - 2018
June 23rd, 2018 at the Concertgebouw, Amsterdam
Part 4 of block 2

Collection: Moons
Composer: Benders, Colin 

Stopping at the edge:

sky everywhere, and deep down --

below, the vast sea.

Aan de rand stilstaan:Am Rande halten:
overal hemel, heel diep --Himmel überall, sehr tief --
daaronder de zee.darunter das Meer.

Poem H1973
Train Amsterdam-Tilburg, 2018-01-16
The hounds no longer hunt (Albert Alberts) - 1979
Novel "De honden jagen niet meer"
Collection: SoulSenseSun
Tribute to: Alberts, Albert 

Zywa Quiet middle

In deep repose, my body
in infinite space
in the quiet middle

of the galaxies
slowly around me -
my thoughts stray in time

between the rush hours, loose
between the sounds waving in
between the blowing net curtain

and fading away
Clearly I hear the voice
of a free string

in the rhythms of traffic
in flurries of gamelan and conga
in sound sequences and interludes

on an autumn afternoon
and in front of me in the hall
sits a handsome man

Poem 1607
Amsterdam, 2017-11-08
Sonatas and Interludes (John Cage) - 1948
Composition for prepared piano
Collection: ORG anp ark 
Composer: Cage, John 

Zywa Angels in the park

As with the landing
of an unearthly traveling
saucer in a clearing

in the park, we walk
with our ears
through the large cube hall

red in the vibrating light
Mighty trills pull us
up, out of the seats

into a dimension
for which we lack the senses
but with each step we feel

eternalized time
until we shall dissolve
into another existence

Angels walk like this
immortally themselves
in heavenly light

We soar
we rumble
with a whole fleet

away from the earth

Poem 1006
Amsterdam, 2017-02-12
music for four fixed organs and four sound converters (André Möller) - 2016
Composition "musik für vier geparkte orgeln und vier ton-wandler(innen)", with sticks of lead upon the keys, performed by Elisabeth Frey-Bächli, Jeromos Kamphuis, Samuel Vriezen and Dante Boon in the Organpark on Saturday February 11th, 2017
Collection: ORG anp ark 
Composer: Möller, André 

The castle ruins

have an imposingly high --

ceiling with real stars.

De burchtruïneDie Burgruine
heeft een heel hoog zwart plafond --hat eine hohe Decke --
met echte echten Sterne.

Poem H0596
Amsterdam, 2013-10-02
Collection: Changing Times

Attention is like sunshineMention © Zywa when using texts,
drawings, designs, paintings and photos
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